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Lime Trading teams up with start up, TakeProfit, to Empower the Next Generation of Retail Traders

· 등록일 May. 03, 2024 13:40

· 업데이트일 2024-05-04 00:03:01

NEW YORK & SAN FRANCISCO--(Business Wire / Korea Newswire)--Lime Trading Corp (“Lime Trading”), a tech-first agency broker headquartered in New York City, proudly announces its strategic partnership with west coast start up TakeProfit, a pioneering community-driven trader platform based in San Francisco, California. This collaboration was born from a joint belief that traders should have access to the best tools and technology no matter their strategy. This new partnership offers retail traders access to the newest innovations in charting and technical analysis, coupled with Lime Trading's industry-leading trade execution.

The newly launched TakeProfit trading platform now offers widgets that integrate seamlessly with Lime Trading. Lime clients will be able to now place trades from the TakeProfit platform and view their portfolio all in one place. (Graphic: Business Wire) Lime Trading is the only broker connected to TakeProfit, offering exclusive access to a trading widget native to the TakeProfit platform. Now traders can ideate and trade in one, seamless experience without ever leaving the platform. “We are thrilled to introduce this integration with TakeProfit,” remarked Johan Sandblom, CEO at Lime Trading. “By merging Lime Trading‘s expertise in trade execution with TakeProfit’s innovative platform, we are equipping retail traders with the essential tools needed to help navigate today's dynamic markets efficiently.”

Alexey Shulzhenko, TakeProfit’s Founder & CEO said, “We partnered with Lime because they have a passion to build the best for traders, by traders. Their focus on providing all traders with lower latency technology aligns with our mission to bring traders the tools they need to trade more effectively.”

This partnership is just one of a few, recent product enhancements that Lime Trading has released to enhance their retail offering. Most recently they’ve added a Python SDK for their REST API and streamlined their demo paper trading access for traders to test drive Lime for themselves.

Traders wanting to try the TakeProfit trade integration that do not yet have a Lime account to experience this new integration, are able to sign up for a free demo paper account. For more information regarding Lime Trading and TakeProfit's new partnership, visit m.lime.co/takeprofit.

About Lime Trading

For over twenty years, Lime Trading has been focused on developing tools and technology to enhance traders’ access to markets. Focused on lower latency execution, Lime Trading works with retail and institutional clients alike to offer a broad range of APIs, platforms, and technology solutions to traders worldwide. Lime Trading Corp is an SEC-registered broker-dealer, member of FINRA/SIPC/NFA. For more information, visit Lime.co.

About TakeProfit

TakeProfit is a community-driven trading platform equipped with monetization tools for traders. It facilitates sharing research and making better trading decisions, allowing members to capitalize on their expertise. Workspaces are created using widgets, providing a customizable trading environment with immersive charting, custom indicators, screeners, financials, and other tools. TakeProfit brings desktop functionality to the web, utilizing new browser technologies and leveraging the advantages of cloud products. Learn more about TakeProfit at TakeProfit.com.

View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20240502144682/en/

Website: https://lime.co/ View Korean version of this release Contact Lime Trading Corp
Managing Director
Coeli Ayres
[email protected]
This news is a press release provided by Lime Trading Corp. Korea Newswire follows these editorial guidelines. Lime Trading Corp News ReleasesSubscribeRSS 라임 트레이딩, 스타트업 테이크프로핏과 협력해 차세대 소매 트레이더 지원 뉴욕에 본사를 둔 기술 우선 에이전시 브로커인 라임 트레이딩(Lime Trading)이 캘리포니아 샌프란시스코에 소재한 선구적인 커뮤니티 중심 트레이더 플랫폼인 서부 해안 스타트업 테이크프로핏(TakeProfit)과 전략적 제휴를 맺었다고 발표했다. 이 협업은 트레이더가 어떤 전략을 갖고 있든지 관계없이 최고... 5월 3일 13:40 More News Finance Asset Management Fund Alliance Overseas Lime Trading Corp All News Releases 
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