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New Swiss Made Features for Cataract Surgery Lens Selection

· 등록일 Feb. 23, 2024 17:35

· 업데이트일 2024-02-26 16:41:07

NEUCHATEL, SWITZERLAND--(Business Wire / Korea Newswire)--The company Swiss Advanced Vision (SAV-IOL SA) has announced the launch of New Features for its Toric Calculator improving the overall calculation experience. For the first-time ever ophthalmologists will be able to use a web-based configurator to help defining the best incision location to minimize residual astigmatism post-surgery based on optical parameters of the patient. And this, for all type of lenses.

Launch of New Features, discover the unique Incision Location Optimization tool on SAV-IOL Toric Calculator. (Image SAV-IOL SA) SAV-IOL Toric Calculator facilitates selection of toric intraocular lenses which help to correct astigmatism, a widespread eye condition that causes blurred vision, discomfort, and potential headaches.
Next to the unique Incision Location Optimization tool indicating at which incision angle the residual astigmatism becomes the lowest (based on biometry, keratometry, cylinder power and SIA amplitude), the PCA can now be included in the calculation which increases the post-operative predictability. Important to note that this service is available for free on sav-iol.com.

The launch of New Features continues to underpin SAV-IOL’s reputation as a company whose products are built on innovation, quality, and precision. Alexandre Pascarella, CEO of Swiss Advanced Vision says, “By continuously adapting our products and services, we are able to offer ophthalmic surgeons and their patients a relevant answer to their evolving needs”.

Since 2009, the Swiss company has been developing advanced IOLs with the goal to restore the missing accommodation left by the removal of the natural lens. Swiss Advanced Vision is known for its unique optical technology called “Instant Focus,” which enables the creation of a constant peak of light intensity on the retina providing a continuous vision from near to intermediate distances.

LUCIDIS and EDEN lenses, through the Instant Focus technology, are designed to provide patients suffering from cataract a high-quality solution to retrieve a continuous vision with minimized dysphotopsia while preserving the resolution and contrast sensitivity. All lenses are available in standard and toric versions with external diameter of 10.8 mm or 12.4 mm. Swiss Advanced Vision will keep the pace of innovative product development and is already working on new functionalities for their users, stay tuned!

About SAV-IOL SA: Swiss company (BSI site certification MD 615363) that develops, manufactures, and markets IOLs globally in more than 40 countries.


View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20240222791326/en/

Website: http://www.sav-iol.com View Korean version of this release Contact Swiss Advanced Vision
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+41 32 566 53 84
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