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Luxolis Announces Strategic Expansion into Vietnam and Japan

· 등록일 Jul. 29, 2024 13:15

· 업데이트일 2024-07-30 00:00:55

SEONGNAM--(Korea Newswire)--Luxolis, a South Korean startup specializing in advanced 3D vision cameras and industrial automation solutions, is proud to announce its expansion into Vietnam and Japan. This strategic move aims to strengthen Luxolis’s regional presence and provide cutting-edge technological solutions to new markets.

Luxolis 3D Vision Camera Collaborative Robots, AI, 3D Camera, Machine Vision, Industry 4.0, Smart Factory, Industrial Automation Luxolis is at the forefront of innovation, providing state-of-the-art 3D vision cameras, industrial automation, and 3D collaboration tools. Luxolis’s technology is advancing industrial automation with applications in quality control, logistics, manufacturing, and robotics.

The decision to expand into Vietnam and Japan stems from the growing demand for high-quality automation solutions in these regions. Luxolis aims to capitalize on these opportunities by delivering tailored solutions that meet local market needs and fostering closer relationships with its customers.

The offices in Vietnam and Japan will serve as hubs for local operations, ensuring prompt service delivery and support. In line with its commitment to local engagement, Luxolis has hired talented professionals from the local workforce, ensuring a deep understanding of regional needs and fostering strong community ties. Our sales and business development team is actively meeting with top robotics and manufacturing companies in Vietnam and Japan to seek out partnership opportunities. These efforts aim to integrate Luxolis’s advanced technology into leading industry applications, fostering innovation and growth in the region.

Luxolis’s technology is revolutionizing industrial automation with applications in quality control, logistics, manufacturing, and robotics. Our 3D vision cameras enable precise feature detection, automate complex tasks, and provide real-time data for improved decision-making. The value lies in increased operational efficiency, reduced labor costs, and enhanced consistency and accuracy in production processes.

With the new regional offices, customers in Vietnam and Japan can expect improved accessibility to Luxolis’s advanced 3D vision systems. The expansion will enable faster response times, personalized service, and the delivery of customized solutions to meet specific industry demands.

Luxolis envisions a strong presence in the Asia-Pacific region, contributing to the growth and technological advancement of local industries. Future plans include launching innovative products tailored to the unique requirements of the Vietnamese and Japanese markets

About Luxolis AI

Luxolis is a pioneering South Korean startup providing advanced 3D vision cameras, industrial automation, and 3D collaboration tools, dedicated to enhancing automation and quality control across various industries. With a focus on innovation and customer satisfaction, Luxolis delivers solutions that drive efficiency, precision, and reliability. Capture, automate, and collaborate in 3D with Luxolis. For more information, visit luxolis.ai.

Website: https://luxolis.ai/ Contact Luxolis AI
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Dilrabo Saidalieva
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