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Montrose Environmental Group Leadership, 3M Chief Technology Officer Discuss Successful Advancements for Removal of “Forever Chemicals” from Water

· 등록일 May. 29, 2024 11:15

· 업데이트일 2024-05-29 13:31:16

LITTLE ROCK, ARK.--(Business Wire / Korea Newswire)--Montrose Environmental Group, Inc. (“Montrose”) (NYSE: MEG) today shared highlights from its presentation with 3M Company at the Bank of America 31st Annual Transportation, Airlines and Industrials Conference in New York. Montrose President and Chief Executive Officer, Vijay Manthripragada, and Montrose Chief Innovation Officer, Steve Woodard, Ph.D., joined 3M’s Chief Technology Officer John Banovetz, Ph.D., for a panel titled, “PFAS Panel: Advancing Technology for a Cleaner Tomorrow.”

During the panel, Montrose and 3M discussed how both companies are innovating to remove PFAS compounds from complex water sources at 3M’s chemical manufacturing sites at an unprecedented scale, and the intersection of sustainability including through the use of Montrose’s proprietary ion exchange technology.

“Our company is based on innovation and science, and therefore we’re looking for partners in the same vein,” said 3M’s Dr. Banovetz. “We were quickly able to find a partner in Montrose and have been very thankful for their partnership and helping us achieve our sustainability goals, particularly, our water quality goal.”

“We work with many Fortune 500 companies. John and the 3M leadership team are among the most sustainability-oriented leaders we’ve had the pleasure of working with,” said Mr. Manthripragada. “When the Montrose and 3M teams were thinking about how to [remove PFAS from water], sustainability mattered. The byproduct of that [collaborative] innovation and technology development is a solution that delivers a lot less waste, uses a lot less filtration media, has a smaller footprint which is arguably safer for workers, and uses less energy.”

Montrose’s patented regenerative solution features small plastic beads with special physical properties that give them a high affinity for PFAS and the ability to remove the compounds from water. Instead of discarding and replacing the beads once used, they can be washed and reused. Further, Montrose has developed technology to clean the spent regenerative solution using distillation and super-loading, allowing for its continued reuse. Pairing the resin treatment technology with the regenerative solution, provides a sustainable PFAS treatment system that is effective in removing PFAS from the environment.

Dr. Woodard noted that the systems developed for 3M through the collaboration have also been deployed globally and are benefiting communities as far away as Australia.

“We have developed multiple technologies to remove them from the environment, and 3M is leading the way,” Woodard said. “We're going to benefit a lot of industries, communities and governments, but most importantly, the health and welfare of communities.”

A replay of the audio webcast may be accessed on the BofA conference webcast website at PFAS Panel: Advancing Technology for a Cleaner Tomorrow (veracast.com).

About Montrose

Montrose is a leading environmental solutions company focused on supporting commercial and government organizations as they deal with the challenges of today, and prepare for what’s coming tomorrow. With ~3200 employees across 100+ locations worldwide, Montrose combines deep local knowledge with an integrated approach to design, engineering, and operations, enabling Montrose to respond effectively and efficiently to the unique requirements of each project. From comprehensive air measurement and laboratory services to regulatory compliance, emergency response, permitting, engineering, and remediation, Montrose delivers innovative and practical solutions that keep its clients on top of their immediate needs - and well ahead of the strategic curve. For more information, visit www.montrose-env.com.

View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20240528540122/en/

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