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Official Website for International Conference on Fishing Communities 2023 Launched

· 등록일 Aug. 20, 2023 09:55

· 업데이트일 2023-12-01 00:55:07

BUSAN, SOUTH KOREA--(Business Wire / Korea Newswire)--The Korea Maritime Institute (KMI, President Jong-Deog Kim) announced that official website for the International Conference on Fishing Communities 2023 is unveiled on D-33 on the opening day (September 19th - 21st). It features presentations and discussions by leading experts from 25 participating countries and 10 academic sessions that have been confirmed so far.

International Conference on Fishing Communities 2023 (ICFC 2023) will be held from September 19 to September 21, 2023 at the Busan Port International Exhibition and Convention Center (BPEX). The conference will bring together representatives from fishing communities around the world to discuss the challenges they face and to develop cooperative solutions. (Graphic: Business Wire) KMI has been preparing the International Conference on Fishing Communities 2023 (ICFC 2023) over the past 10 months, partnering closely with global entities like FAO and operating the ICFC Planning Committee.

Busan Metropolitan City, the host city, UN ESCAP, and PEMSEA are special partners in the ICFC 2023, the first of its kind in the international community. Through its technical assistance, the FAO has contributed significantly to the creation of this conference and the engagement of the international community. Internationally, ministerial and vice-ministerial-level officials and experts from Africa (Tanzania, Equatorial Guinea, Mauritius), Pacific islands (Tuvalu, Australia), North and South America (Argentina, Peru, Canada), and Asia (Sri Lanka, Indonesia) will be in attendance, initiating the conference’s maiden voyage with the declaration of the International Vision for Fishing Communities and the formation and operation of a steering committee to prepare joint implementation plans. In Korea, a total of 44 sponsoring organizations are working together, including three cooperative organizations, such as the Presidential Committee on Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Policy, the Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries, and relevant organizations.

The inaugural ICFC 2023 will open with the keynote speeches of “100% Fish - Growing the Blue Economy in Smaller Communities” by Thor Sigfusson, CEO of Ocean Cluster in Iceland, and “Blue Transformation” delivered by Manuel Barange, Director of the Fisheries Division at the FAO. Under the theme of ‘One Ocean, Ocean Fishing Community: Transformation towards the Future and the Great Voyage’, a total of 60 domestic and international scholars as well as leading experts will participate in the fields of fishing communities; young and female fishermen; fishing and aquaculture; the Blue Port Initiative (BPI); industrial accidents in fishery; international cooperation; climate change and disaster management; smart fishing communities; fishery heritage; and fishing community tourism.

“The International Conference on Fishing Communities 2023 will be the first step in building cooperation and solidarity between countries and regions through the means of sustainable development and fishing communities,” Jong-Deog Kim, President of the Korea Maritime Institute, said. “After the inaugural event in September this year, we will continue making efforts to regularize the ICFC and expand the number of international organizations and participating countries to strengthen the global network in fishing communities.”

View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20230818840570/en/

Website: http://www.kmi.re.kr Contact Korea Maritime Institute
Jiwon Jennifer Moon
+82 51 797 4541
[email protected]
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