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Enhancing Technologist Experience and Patient Workflow, Carestream Reveals New Enhancements to CARESTREAM DRX-Evolution Plus System and ImageView Software

· 등록일 Jul. 04, 2024 14:10

· 업데이트일 2024-07-05 00:00:41

ROCHESTER, N.Y.--(Business Wire / Korea Newswire)--Carestream Health announced today the addition of new enhancements to its ImageView Software and DRX-Evolution Plus System, marking the latest improvements to its line of innovative, industry-leading imaging solutions.

DRX-Evolution Plus (Photo: Business Wire) ImageView Software (Photo: Business Wire) The latest version of ImageView Software 2.1 offers new Smart Room Options like Virtual Long-Length Imaging, Virtual Collimation, Patient-Position Monitoring and Patient Picture, Positioning Overlay, and Align Assist, in addition to the Smart Room features previously introduced.

These features help radiographers more quickly confirm precise positioning for a more consistent, productive image capture—as well as a quick diagnosis and a path toward treatment.

“Carestream is continuously focused on helping deliver more productivity with our DR portfolio,” said Steve Romocki, Worldwide Product Director, Digital Radiography (DR) Room systems. “These latest improvements deliver on that need—with camera-based positioning features for faster, more accurate positioning, fewer retakes, and more comfortable patient exams.”

The latest improvements also include detector alignment tools to help quickly assess the detector position in a non-bucky environment—ensuring reliable alignment between the tube and detector. This not only improves radiographer confidence but also reduces the potential for grid cutoff.

In addition to its new software innovations, Carestream also announced new features for its premier DRX-Evolution Plus Digital Radiography System. This includes the latest features found on ImageView 2.1 software. Also included are new reliable grid frames for the wall stand, a bi-directional audio assist, a patient picture option, and an AEC edge location on the console screen.

These new innovations join Carestream’s extensive portfolio of enhanced imaging solutions, such as Tube Line Visualization, Pneumothorax Visualization, Low-dose patented dual-energy-based bone suppression, Digital Tomosynthesis, and AI-based Smart Noise Cancellation.

About Carestream Health

Carestream is a worldwide provider of medical imaging systems; X-ray imaging systems for non-destructive testing; and precision contract coating services for a wide range of industrial, medical, electronic, and other applications—all backed by a global service and support network. For more information about the company’s broad portfolio of products, solutions, and services, please contact your Carestream representative, or call 1-888-777-2072, or visit www.carestream.com.

CARESTREAM is a trademark of Carestream Health.

“Rx only”


View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20240703234544/en/

Website: https://www.carestream.com/en/us Contact Carestream Health
Melody Warner
Global Communications Manager
[email protected]
This news is a press release provided by Carestream Health. Korea Newswire follows these editorial guidelines. Carestream Health News ReleasesSubscribeRSS 케어스트림, 케어스트림 DRX-에볼루션 플러스 시스템 및 이미지뷰 소프트웨어의 새로운 개선사항 발표… 기술자 경험 및 환자 작업흐름 개선 케어스트림 헬스(Carestream Health)가 3일(현지 시간) 자사의 이미지뷰 소프트웨어(ImageView Software) 및 DRX-에볼루션 플러스 시스템(DRX-Evolution Plus System)에 새로운 개선 사항을 추가했다고 발표했다. 이는 케어스트림 헬스의 혁신적이고 업계를 선도하는 이미징 솔루션 라인에 대한 최신 개선 사... 7월 4일 14:10 Carestream Secures Crucial Business Partner Agreement in Peru Carestream Health recently secured an agreement with Distribuidora Diagnostica Medica SAC (DMD), a leading distributor of radiology solutions in Peru, to convert the latter’s customers and install base to Carestream products. Additionally, under the terms of the agreement, DMD will beco... 6월 18일 15:35 ... More  More News Health Medical Appliances Technology Software New Product Overseas Carestream Health All News Releases 
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