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Nordson EFD Releases New 3-Axis Automated Fluid Dispensing Systems

· 등록일 Mar. 29, 2024 15:45

· 업데이트일 2024-03-29 20:08:36

EAST PROVIDENCE, R.I.--(Business Wire / Korea Newswire)--Nordson EFD, a Nordson company (NASDAQ: NDSN) and leading precision fluid dispensing systems manufacturer is proud to announce the new GVPlus and PROX families of automated fluid dispensing products. Both robotic solutions share a focus on motion, workspace, repeatability, payload, setup, and vision technology enhancements.

The GV Series offers market-leading dimensional positional accuracy and deposit placement repeatability. (Photo: Business Wire) The new GVPlus automated fluid dispensing solution offers improved repeatability, bigger payloads with simplified setup requirements, and superior vision capabilities. Repeatability is now best-in-class at 8 μm, improving repeatability to ±0.008 mm. Setting up the robot is easier due to a new dual mounting flange that enables a tool payload of up to 4.5 kg (10 lbs).

When paired with the working area of 400 mm x 400 mm, the GVPlus family of fluid dispensing robots offers greater versatility to configure for different types of applications. Enhancements to the CCD smart vision camera deliver high quality images even on challenging surfaces like glass, mirrors, plastics, and non-transparent clear surfaces. To ensure accuracy, EFD’s proprietary dispensing software confirms and automatically adjusts as in-process variations occur.

Like the GVPlus solutions, the new PROX automated fluid dispensing solutions provide improved motion, repeatability, vision, and larger workspace capabilities. New linear motors power the robots, offering better actuation speed, reduced maintenance needs and improved durability. PROX systems extend a best-in-class X, Y, and Z-axis repeatability of ±0.003 mm; the working area is expanded to 500 mm x 500 mm.

The vision system, a CCD smart vision camera, provides precise, high-quality images that are confirmed by EFD’s proprietary DispenseMotion™ software, which automatically adjusts as in-process variations occur. The CCD camera operates on challenging surfaces like glass, mirrors, plastics, and non-transparent clear surfaces.

“With these enhancements to Nordson EFD’s automated dispensing product line, manufacturers will benefit from higher accuracy in fluid deposit placement along with greater versatility that comes from the larger working area and stronger, more durable X, Y, Z movement of the robot tooling,” said Claude Bergeron, Product Line Manager, Automated Dispensing Systems, Nordson EFD. “These improvements will help them meet the demands for higher volume, high-quality production.”

For more information, visit Nordson EFD on the web at nordsonefd.com, LinkedIn, email at [email protected], or call 401.431.7000 or 800.556.3484.

About Nordson EFD

Nordson EFD designs and manufactures precision fluid dispensing systems for benchtop assembly processes and automated assembly lines. By enabling manufacturers to apply the same amount of adhesive, lubricant or other assembly fluid to every part, every time, EFD dispensing systems are helping companies in a wide variety of industries increase throughput, improve quality, and lower their production costs. Other fluid management capabilities include high-quality syringe barrels and cartridges for packaging one- and two-component materials. The company is also a leading formulator of specialty solder pastes for dispensing and printing applications in the electronics industry.

About Nordson Corporation

Nordson engineers, manufactures, and markets differentiated products and systems used for dispensing and processing adhesives, coatings, polymers, sealants and biomaterials; and for managing fluids, testing and inspecting for quality, treating surfaces and curing. These products are supported with extensive application expertise and direct global sales and service. We serve a wide variety of consumer non-durable, consumer durable and technology end markets including packaging, nonwovens, electronics, medical, appliances, energy, transportation, building and construction, and general product assembly and finishing. Founded in 1954 and headquartered in Westlake, Ohio, the company has operations and support offices in more than 30 countries. Visit Nordson on the web at nordson.com.

View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20240305726899/en/

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This news is a press release provided by Nordson EFD. Korea Newswire follows these editorial guidelines. Nordson EFD News ReleasesSubscribeRSS 노드슨 EFD, 새로운 3축 자동화 유체 디스펜싱 시스템 출시 노드슨(Nordson)(NASDAQ: NDSN )의 계열사인 선도적 정밀 유체 디스펜싱 시스템 제조업체 노드슨 EFD(Nordson EFD) 가 새로운 GVPlus 및 PROX 자동 유체 디스펜싱 제품군을 발표했다. 두 로봇 솔루션 모두 모션, 작업 공간, 반복성, 페이로드, 설정 및 비전 기술 향상에 대한 중점을 공유한다. 새로운 GVPlus ... 15:45 새로운 피코 넥서스(PICO® Nexμs™) 젯팅 시스템, 유체 디스펜싱과 인더스트리 4.0효율성의 결합 [노드슨](NASDAQ: NDSN ) 계열사이자 정밀 유체 디스펜싱 시스템의 선도 제조업체인 노드슨 EFD(Nordson EFD) 는 제트 디스펜싱 효율을 혁신하기 위해 피코 넥서스(PICO Nexμs ) 젯팅 시스템을 출시했다. 대부분의 자동화된 생산 기계의 경우, 일반 젯팅 컨트롤러는 디스펜싱 지점에서 멀리 떨어진 패널에 장... 3월 3일 12:51 ... More  More News Technology Robotics Heavy Industries Machinary New Product Overseas Nordson EFD All News Releases 
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