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2024 Blue Planet Prize: Announcement of Prize Laureates

· 등록일 Jun. 20, 2024 10:40

· 업데이트일 2024-06-20 11:41:04

TOKYO--(Business Wire / Korea Newswire)--This year marks the 33rd awarding of the Blue Planet Prize, the international environmental award sponsored by the Asahi Glass Foundation, chaired by Takuya Shimamura. Every year, the Foundation selects two recipients, individuals or organizations who have made significant contributions to the resolution of global environmental problems. The Board of Directors has selected the following 2024 Blue Planet Prize laureates.

Professor Robert Costanza (Photo: Business Wire) Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) (Photo: Business Wire) Blue Planet Prize Logo 1. Professor Robert Costanza (USA & Australia) born on September 14, 1950, in the United States
Ecological Economics at the Institute for Global Prosperity, University College London

In a groundbreaking 1997 paper, Professor Costanza and colleagues demonstrated, for the first time, that the ecosystem services provided by nature to humans far exceed the economic value of the world's GDP at that time. This work brought global attention to the previously understated importance of ecosystem services. As a co-founder of ecological economics, a new field of study that recognizes that the economy is embedded in society and a finite biosphere, Professor Costanza actively advocates for an ecologically sustainable, wellbeing society.

2. Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES)
Established on April 21, 2012, IPBES secretariat: Bonn (Germany)

IPBES is the leading global authority on the state of knowledge and science about biodiversity, ecosystem services and nature’s contributions to people. Their landmark Reports facilitate better science-informed policy and action across scales, sectors, and knowledge systems. As growing numbers of companies also start to evaluate, disclose and improve their impact on the environment, businesses are also using the IPBES Reports to help shape their corporate sustainability strategies and ESG (environmental, social, and governance) activities.

Each recipient is presented with a certificate of merit, a commemorative trophy, and 500,000 US dollars in prize money.

· The Award Ceremony is scheduled on Wednesday, October 23, 2024, at Tokyo Kaikan. Commemorative lectures will be given on October 24 and 26, 2024, at the University of Tokyo and at Kyoto University, respectively.

View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20240618086898/en/

TheAsahiGlassFdn_2024_PDF.pdf Website: https://www.af-info.or.jp/en/ View Korean version of this release Contact THE ASAHI GLASS FOUNDATION
Toshihiro Tanuma, PhD
[email protected]
This news is a press release provided by The Asahi Glass Foundation. Korea Newswire follows these editorial guidelines. The Asahi Glass Foundation News ReleasesSubscribeRSS 블루 플래닛 프라이즈, 2024년 수상자 발표 시마무라 타쿠야 의장이 이끄는 아사히 글라스 재단이 후원하는 국제 환경 어워드인 ‘블루 플래닛 프라이즈(Blue Planet Prize)’가 33번째 수상자를 선정했다. 재단은 매년 세계의 환경 문제 해결에 큰 기여를 한 개인 또는 조직 두 명(곳)을 수상자로 선정한다. 이사회가 선정한 2024 블루 플래닛 프라이즈 ... 10:40 The Asahi Glass Foundation: Survey on the Awareness of Environmental Issues Among the General Public (in Japan and 24 other countries) The Asahi Glass Foundation, chaired by Takuya Shimamura, conducted an online survey of 13,500 people in Japan and 24 other countries in total, with 6,589 participants aged 18-24, and 6,911 participants aged 25-69. Its goal was to assess awareness and action regarding environmental issue... 2023년 9월 6일 17:05 ... More  More News Economy ESG Environment Environmental Conservation Awards Overseas The Asahi Glass F... All News Releases 
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