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Introducing Maestro: The First AI-Infused Supply Chain Orchestration Platform from Kinaxis

· 등록일 Jun. 19, 2024 11:55

· 업데이트일 2024-06-20 00:00:19

MIAMI--(Business Wire / Korea Newswire)--Kinaxis® Inc. (TSX:KXS), a global leader in end-to-end supply chain orchestration, today introduced the Kinaxis Maestro™ platform, the only AI-infused supply chain orchestration platform with a powerful combination of proprietary computational technologies and techniques that provides full transparency and agility across the entire supply chain — from multi-year strategic planning to last-mile delivery. An evolution of the company’s flagship platform, RapidResponse, Maestro incorporates new, modern AI technologies to help teams move faster and smarter to master the complexities of today’s modern supply chains.

Kinaxis announced its AI-infused orchestration platform, Maestro, at global supply chain conference Kinexions in Miami, FL. (Graphic: Business Wire) A screenshot of Maestro by Kinaxis, the AI-infused supply chain orchestration platform the company announced at its global supply chain conference, Kinexions, in Miami, FL. (Graphic: Business Wire) A screenshot of Maestro by Kinaxis, the AI-infused supply chain orchestration platform the company announced at its global supply chain conference, Kinexions, in Miami, FL. (Graphic: Business Wire) A screenshot of Maestro by Kinaxis, the AI-infused supply chain orchestration platform the company announced at its global supply chain conference, Kinexions, in Miami, FL. (Graphic: Business Wire) The Maestro platform comprises three layers: a supply chain data fabric connecting internal and external data sources into a single source of truth, an always-on intelligence engine that delivers real-time insights, predictions and adaptive solutions, and a seamless user interface, enabling business leaders to make faster and more valuable decisions than ever before, from anywhere and from any device. For example, in response to skyrocketing demand of a new EV following a high-profile celebrity endorsement, an automaker concerned about component shortages might ask ‘How do I prevent a stockout?’. Without missing a beat, Maestro’s generative AI-powered intelligent assistant will provide guidance based on supply chain best practices to ensure disruptions are absorbed and managed in real-time.

“It’s a challenging time to be a business leader in supply chain. Managing the complexities of global and regional supply chains, balancing agility, cost reduction, and sustainability, and handling a steady stream of geopolitical, economic, and environmental disruptions amid a data explosion,” said Andrew Bell, chief product officer at Kinaxis. “Yet, with the right technologies, there’s unprecedented potential to resolve this complexity and master uncertainty. Maestro provides total supply chain transparency, aligns advanced technology with specific challenges, and integrates diverse data—from social media sentiment to government regulations—bringing clarity to chaos so business leaders can sleep soundly at night.”

National Instruments took part in the beta phase of Maestro’s generative AI capabilities and Ed Scott, chief program manager said, “From the moment our team deployed Maestro’s intelligent assistant, it was clear it would be a gamechanger. We’ve been able to significantly cut down on the amount of time it takes for users to maximize the value of the platform and we are eager to build on these initial successes as Kinaxis continues to roll out the full breadth of its AI capabilities.”

What makes Maestro different:

· Seamless synchronization. Unmatched agility - Gain a comprehensive, always-on digital view of your supply chain, ensuring continuous synchronization of data, people, and processes for unmatched agility.
· Be ready. Whatever happens - Predict future scenarios with smart modeling and make informed decisions quickly to confidently navigate uncertainties and drive success.
· Strike the perfect balance of accuracy, efficiency, and speed - Fuse machine learning, heuristics and optimization for unparalleled problem-solving, keeping your supply chain at the cutting edge.
· Take your productivity to the next level - Automate routine tasks with AI and predictive algorithms, allowing you to focus on strategic priorities and boost productivity.
· Empower your people to do more with more - Empower your teams with an intuitive tool that simplifies complex tasks and enhances efficiency, enabling greater satisfaction and achievement.
· No data wrangling required - Achieve faster time-to-value by easily ingesting data from various sources without the need for schema definition; just drag, drop, and go.

Global market intelligence firm IDC previewed Maestro prior to launch and Eric Thompson, IDC Worldwide Supply Chain Planning Research Director, noted, “IDC has been discussing end-to-end supply chain integration, and Kinaxis is making moves forward with Maestro. The platform’s progress in combining end-to-end concurrency with smart, user-friendly AI, is a promising step in supply chain orchestration.”

From building the first in-memory material requirements planning (MRP) engine in the 1980s to adopting a SaaS model years before its peers and launching the first cloud-friendly planning platform in the 2000s, Kinaxis has been at the forefront of every major technological innovation within the supply chain industry for the past four decades. The company has consistently prioritized designing products to meet the evolving needs of its customers, focusing on pillars of connectivity, intelligence, adaptability, and user-friendliness. In the previous five years alone, the company’s patent portfolio has grown by more than 500%, with over half of those patents awarded for AI and ML-based innovations.

Celebrating its 40th anniversary in 2024, Kinaxis helps companies that supply the agricultural industry with 40% of the world’s tractors, that keep more than 110 billion teeth clean each year, and that ensure more than 35 million pets are fed nutritious meals each year.

About Kinaxis

Kinaxis is a global leader in modern supply chain orchestration. We serve supply chains and the people who manage them in service of humanity. Our software is trusted by renowned global brands to provide the agility and predictability needed to navigate today’s volatility and disruption. We combine our patented concurrency technique with a human-centered approach to AI to empower businesses of all sizes to manage their end-to-end supply chain network, from multi-year strategic planning through down-to-the-second execution and last-mile delivery. For more news and information, please visit kinaxis.com or follow us on LinkedIn.

View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20240618998841/en/

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This news is a press release provided by Kinaxis Inc.. Korea Newswire follows these editorial guidelines. Kinaxis Inc. News ReleasesSubscribeRSS 키넥시스, 최초의 AI 기반 공급망 조정 플랫폼 ‘키넥시스 마에스트로’ 발표 엔드투엔드 공급망 조정 분야의 글로벌 리더인 키넥시스(Kinaxis® Inc.) (TSX:KXS)는 다년간의 전략 계획에서 라스트 마일 배송에 이르는 전체 공급망에 완전한 투명성과 민첩성을 제공하는 독점 컴퓨팅 기술과 테크닉이 강력하게 조합된 유일무이한 AI 기반 공급망 조정 플랫폼인 ‘키넥시스 마에스트로(Kinax... 6월 19일 11:55 Kinaxis Announces Results of Voting at Annual Meeting of Shareholders Kinaxis® Inc. (“Kinaxis” or the “Company”) (TSX:KXS), a leading provider of supply chain orchestration solutions, received approval for all resolutions put forward to shareholders at today’s Annual Meeting of Shareholders (the “Meeting”), as detailed in the Company’s management informat... 6월 10일 10:35 ... More  More News Technology Artificial Intelligence Transportation Logistics New Product Overseas Kinaxis Inc. All News Releases 
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