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SEKO Logistics Promotes Paul Good to APAC President

· 등록일 May. 14, 2024 16:50

· 업데이트일 2024-05-15 00:00:11

SCHAUMBURG, ILL--(Business Wire / Korea Newswire)--SEKO Logistics (SEKO), the leader in end-to-end global logistics, announces the promotion of Paul Good from Managing Director, Australia to APAC President, effective immediately.

Paul Good is promoted to SEKO Logistics' APAC President, effective immediately. (Photo: Business Wire) As APAC President, Good will assume all regional leadership responsibilities in addition to maintaining his role as Managing Director, Australia. In this dual capacity, he will split his time between his home base in Australia as well as Hong Kong and China to bring further stability and extend his strategic direction and impact to the region.

Good’s diverse international logistics background and experience acquired through his tenure at organizations like Agility and Kuehne+Nagel has enabled him to successfully navigate challenging market conditions and optimize operational workflows. His expertise in P&L management resulted in revenue growth, improved profitability and financial stability across Australia and South Asia.

“I’m incredibly grateful for the opportunity to work alongside our APAC team during this transition period. It has been an absolute pleasure to collaborate with such a dedicated team,” said Gagne. “Under Paul's leadership, our APAC region will continue to treat challenges as opportunities, enhance optimization, to thrive and achieve new milestones.”

“I’m delighted to be taking on this new role and I look forward to working with the Asian country organizations to ensure SEKO remains a significant contributor and enabler to the broader SEKO network,” shared Good.

To learn more about SEKO, visit www.sekologistics.com.

About SEKO Logistics

Built on nearly 50 years of logistics expertise, SEKO Logistics is the no-nonsense global end-to-end logistics partner - from shipper to consumer. SEKO delivers client-first service, expert reliability and tech-driven shipping solutions that turn supply chains into a competitive differentiator. With over 150 offices in more than 60 countries, SEKO helps you move at the speed of global commerce. Learn more at www.sekologistics.com.

View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20240513834808/en/

Website: https://www.sekologistics.com/us/ View Korean version of this release Contact SEKO Logistics
Haley Hartmann
[email protected]
This news is a press release provided by SEKO Logistics. Korea Newswire follows these editorial guidelines. SEKO Logistics News ReleasesSubscribeRSS 세코 로지스틱스, 폴 굿을 APAC 사장으로 승진 발령 종단간 물류의 선두 주자인 세코 로지스틱스(SEKO Logistics)(세코(SEKO)) 가 폴 굿(Paul Good)을 호주 전무 이사에서 APAC 사장으로 승진시키면서 즉시 효력이 발생한다고 발표했다. APAC 사장으로서 굿은 호주 전무 이사로서의 역할을 유지하는 것 외에도 모든 지역 리더십 책임을 맡게 된다. 이 두 가지 직... 5월 14일 16:50 More News Transportation Logistics Personnel Anouncement Overseas SEKO Logistics All News Releases 
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