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AngloGold Ashanti: Notice of 2024 Annual General Meeting

· 등록일 Apr. 16, 2024 16:00

· 업데이트일 2024-04-17 00:00:13

LONDON & DENVER & JOHANNESBURG--(Business Wire / Korea Newswire)--Today, AngloGold Ashanti plc (“the Company”, “AGA” or “AngloGold Ashanti”) posted its Notice of 2024 Annual General Meeting (the “Notice”), which can be viewed and downloaded from www.reports.anglogoldashanti.com. The Company’s 2024 Annual General Meeting (the “AGM”) is scheduled to be held on Tuesday 28 May 2024 at 9:00 a.m. Mountain Standard Time (which is 4:00 p.m. British Summer Time and 5:00 p.m. South African Standard Time) at 6363 S Fiddlers Green, Greenwood Village, CO 80111, USA.

Shareholders are invited to join the AGM virtually by following the instructions set out in the Notice. By joining the AGM virtually, shareholders will be able to view a live video feed of the AGM, submit voting instructions and submit questions either in writing or via an audio line.

The Notice sets out the business proposed to be conducted at the AGM, with the record date set as 2 April 2024 for the purposes of determining eligibility to receive the Notice and to vote at the AGM. The Notice will shortly be posted to those shareholders who have elected to receive paper communications. AngloGold Ashanti’s 2023 UK Annual Report, which was published on 10 April 2024, will also be posted to those shareholders who have elected to receive paper communications and can be viewed and downloaded from AngloGold Ashanti’s website at www.reports.anglogoldashanti.com.

Forward-looking statements

Certain statements contained in this document, other than statements of historical fact, including, without limitation, those concerning the economic outlook for the gold mining industry, expectations regarding gold prices, production, total cash costs, all-in sustaining costs, all-in costs, cost savings and other operating results, return on equity, productivity improvements, growth prospects and outlook of AngloGold Ashanti’s operations, individually or in the aggregate, including the achievement of project milestones, commencement and completion of commercial operations of certain of AngloGold Ashanti’s exploration and production projects and the completion of acquisitions, dispositions or joint venture transactions, AngloGold Ashanti’s liquidity and capital resources and capital expenditures, the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic and the outcome and consequences of any potential or pending litigation or regulatory proceedings or environmental, health and safety issues, are forward-looking statements regarding AngloGold Ashanti’s financial reports, operations, economic performance and financial condition. These forward-looking statements or forecasts are not limited to historical facts, but rather reflect our current beliefs and expectations concerning future events and generally may be identified by the use of forward-looking words, phrases and expressions such as “believe”, “expect”, “aim”, “anticipate”, “intend”, “foresee”, “forecast”, “predict”, “project”, “estimate”, “likely”, “may”, “might”, “could”, “should”, “would”, “seek”, “plan”, “scheduled”, “possible”, “continue”, “potential”, “outlook”, “target” or other similar words, phrases, and expressions; provided that the absence thereof does not mean that a statement is not forward-looking. Similarly, statements that describe our objectives, plans or goals are or may be forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements or forecasts involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause AngloGold Ashanti’s actual results, performance, actions or achievements to differ materially from the anticipated results, performance, actions or achievements expressed or implied in these forward-looking statements. Although AngloGold Ashanti believes that the expectations reflected in such forward-looking statements and forecasts are reasonable, no assurance can be given that such expectations will prove to have been correct. Accordingly, results, performance, actions or achievements could differ materially from those set out in the forward-looking statements as a result of, among other factors, changes in economic, social, political and market conditions, including related to inflation or international conflicts, the success of business and operating initiatives, changes in the regulatory environment and other government actions, including environmental approvals, fluctuations in gold prices and exchange rates, the outcome of pending or future litigation proceedings, any supply chain disruptions, any public health crises, pandemics or epidemics (including the COVID-19 pandemic), the failure to maintain effective internal control over financial reporting or effective disclosure controls and procedures, the inability to remediate one or more material weaknesses, or the discovery of additional material weaknesses, in the Company’s internal control over financial reporting, and other business and operational risks and challenges and other factors, including mining accidents. For a discussion of such risk factors, refer to AngloGold Ashanti Limited’s annual report on Form 20-F for the year ended 31 December 2022 filed with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and AngloGold Ashanti’s registration statement on Form F-4 initially filed with the SEC on 23 June 2023. These factors are not necessarily all of the important factors that could cause AngloGold Ashanti’s actual results, performance, actions or achievements to differ materially from those expressed in any forward-looking statements. Other unknown or unpredictable factors could also have material adverse effects on AngloGold Ashanti’s future results, performance, actions or achievements. Consequently, readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on forward-looking statements. AngloGold Ashanti undertakes no obligation to update publicly or release any revisions to these forward-looking statements to reflect events or circumstances after the date hereof or to reflect the occurrence of unanticipated events, except to the extent required by applicable law. All subsequent written or oral forward-looking statements attributable to AngloGold Ashanti or any person acting on its behalf are qualified by the cautionary statements herein.

View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20240415878033/en/

Website: https://www.anglogoldashanti.com/ View Korean version of this release Contact AngloGold Ashanti plc
Andrea Maxey
+61 08 9425 4603 / +61 400 072 199
[email protected]

General inquiries
[email protected]

Yatish Chowthee
+27 11 637 6273 / +27 78 364 2080
[email protected]

Andrea Maxey
+61 08 9425 4603 / +61 400 072 199
[email protected]
This news is a press release provided by AngloGold Ashanti plc. Korea Newswire follows these editorial guidelines. AngloGold Ashanti plc News ReleasesSubscribeRSS 앵글로골드 아샨티, 2024년 연례 주주총회 공지 앵글로골드 아샨티(“회사”, “AGA” 또는 “AngloGold Ashanti”)가 2024년 연례 주주총회 공지(이하 “공지”)를 게시했으며 에서 열람 및 다운로드할 수 있다. 회사의 2024년 연례 주총(이하 ‘주총’)은 2024년 5월 28일 화요일 오전 9시(산악표준시)(영국 서머타임 오후 4시, 남아프리카 표준시 오후 5시)에 열릴 ... 4월 16일 16:00 AngloGold Ashanti Publishes Its 2023 UK Annual and Other Reports AngloGold Ashanti plc (“AngloGold Ashanti”, “AGA” or the “Company”) announces that it has today, Wednesday, 10 April 2024, published the following reports for the financial year ended 31 December 2023: · AGA’s UK Annual Report 2023 (including its financial statements as of and for the f... 4월 11일 14:15 ... More  More News Heavy Industries Metal Shareholder Overseas AngloGold Ashanti... All News Releases 
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