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Seoul Semiconductor Provides WICOP to Front Headlamps of 2024 Genesis GV80

· 등록일 Mar. 29, 2024 09:00

· 업데이트일 2024-03-30 00:33:32

SEOUL--(Korea Newswire)--Seoul Semiconductor Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:046890), the world best-in-class technology in opto-semiconductors, is supplying and mass-producing “WICOP,” the world’s first high-power LEDs without wire, for the headlamps of Genesis GV80, a luxury SUV model by Hyundai Motor Group, which is one of the world’s top three automobile companies. The technology applies to all functions of the high-light, sophisticated headlamps introduced by GV80.

Headlamps of GV80, a luxury SUV of Genesis, with Seoul Semiconductor’s WICOP technology applied (Photo: Seoul Semiconductor Co., Ltd.) Headlamps of GV80, a luxury SUV of Genesis, with Seoul Semiconductor’s WICOP technology applied (Photo: Seoul Semiconductor Co., Ltd.) Seoul Semiconductor applied its new technology of Ultra-High Luminance “WICOP UHL” to the high and low beams of GV80, the two lines that symbolize Genesis vehicles. With its improved luminance by 200% compared to existing mass-produced WICOP products, WICOP UHL is attracting the attention of the automobile market as an optimized solution for slim lamp designs. In addition, WICOP was applied to all front-light functions of GV80, including the daytime running lights (DRL) and turn signal lights. This recognition is a testament to customer trust in the products of Seoul Semiconductor.

WICOP UHL, applied to the micro lens arrays (MLA) in the headlamps of Genesis, is a product optimized for automotive applications developed based on WICOP, an ultra-small, high-efficiency LED technology. Exhibiting up to 40% better heat dissipation performance than other LED products, it can reduce the size of the lamp heat-sink structure by up to 75%. As such, the technology allows the size and weight to be reduced, which are important factors in a lamp design, enabling an implementation of a slim and sophisticated design.

According to Genesis, “The adoption of Seoul Semiconductor’s technology has enhanced the completeness of the front face of GV80, our luxury SUV. In particular, the ability of WICOP UHL to emit a large amount of light through the small LED emitting area of about 0.5mm2 contributed to improving the visual quality in combination with the MLA technology. The expectation is that the technology will be applied to more models in the future.”

Vice President In-heum Park of the Automotive Division of Seoul Semiconductor said, “The WICOP technology is the world’s first technology developed by Seoul Semiconductor and has been consistently adopted by car manufacturers around the world, being applied to more than 100 models every year. We will continue to develop automotive LED technologies to provide our customers with differentiated values.”

Website: http://www.seoulsemicon.co.kr View Korean version of this release Contact Seoul Semiconductor Co., Ltd.
Jinseop Jung
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