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Uniphore Unveils Enhanced Interaction Analytics Solution Powered by Generative AI

· 등록일 Mar. 22, 2024 14:50

· 업데이트일 2024-03-23 00:01:46

PALO ALTO, CALIF.--(Business Wire / Korea Newswire)--Uniphore, one of the world’s largest AI-native companies, announced a major upgrade to its U-Analyze analytics solution, which builds on the company’s industry-leading multimodal enterprise AI platform to help customers effectively access data and power their AI needs.

This new generative AI-fueled version of U-Analyze directly addresses a growing need among global enterprises to leverage the power of AI and their own data. Drawing from customer conversations across text, voice and video, business leaders can make knowledgeable, timely, data-driven decisions to revolutionize their customers’ experiences as well as agent performance.

This announcement is a deliberate next step following the introduction of Uniphore’s groundbreaking U Capture, an AI-native solution that aids customers’ ability to capture, structure and apply a full suite of multimodal data --- powered by the company’s X-Platform. A key benefit for customers includes the ownership and accessibility of their own data whenever they need it, to drive additional value.

Bolstered by Uniphore’s powerful X-Platform, U-Analyze works seamlessly with U-Capture to analyze conversational data in real time and generate unique AI-driven insights for each enterprise. The insights, along with the automated and manual coaching capabilities, allow enterprises to continuously improve customer experiences and engagement. Ultimately, U-Analyze will help enterprises predict and adapt to customer and market needs.

When you combine the power of the two solutions, the analytics provide timely AI-generated insights that have the potential to dramatically improve customer satisfaction and engagement.

“Analytics will never be the same with Uniphore’s enterprise-grade AI platform transforming the way our customers are able to harness the power and value of data,” said Umesh Sachdev, CEO and Co founder of Uniphore. “This is a significant milestone in Uniphore’s unwavering commitment to our global enterprise customers on their journey to becoming AI-led companies.”

A recent global survey of over 500 contact center leaders sponsored by Uniphore underscored the need for AI-driven insights. For example, nearly 40% of respondents said they lack the data to respond quickly to business decisions or improve their customers’ experiences. Also, 86% said the decisions they make are not predominantly data-driven, reinforcing the massive opportunity for business leaders and enterprises to put their own data to use.

“Enterprise organizations are hungry for better insights - and better conversational analytics solutions. Traditional analytics solutions don’t necessarily include the technologies driving the current wave of innovation in the enterprise - including generative AI and knowledge AI,” said Hayley Sutherland, Research Manager, Conversational AI & Intelligent Knowledge Discovery at IDC. “With these upgrades to U-Analyze, Uniphore is keeping on the cutting edge of such innovations and helping organizations move the needle when it comes to AI-driven actionable insights based on customer interactions, which could have a big impact on business processes and results.”

Uniphore will be at Enterprise Connect at the Gaylord Palms in Orlando, Florida from March 25-28, 2024 at booth 306 in the AI Innovation Zone.

For additional information on the U and Q product lines, please click here.

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About Uniphore

Uniphore is one of the largest B2B AI-native companies - decades-proven, built-for-scale, and designed for the Enterprise. The company drives business outcomes, across multiple industry verticals, and the largest global deployments. Uniphore infuses AI into every part of the Enterprise that impacts the customer. We deliver the only multimodal AI architecture centered on customers that combines Generative AI, Knowledge AI and Emotion AI and Workflow Automation and a co-pilot to guide you. We understand better than anyone how to capture voice, video, text, and how to analyze all types of data. As AI becomes more powerful, every part of the Enterprise that impacts the customer will be disrupted. We believe the future will run on the connective tissue between people, machines and data: all in service of creating the most human processes and experiences for customers and employees.

View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20240321078876/en/

Website: https://www.uniphore.com/ View Korean version of this release Contact Uniphore
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This news is a press release provided by Uniphore. Korea Newswire follows these editorial guidelines. Uniphore News ReleasesSubscribeRSS 유니포어, 생성형 AI 기반의 향상된 상호작용 분석 솔루션 공개 세계 최대의 AI 네이티브 기업 중 하나인 유니포어(Uniphore) 가 회사의 업계 선도적 멀티모달 엔터프라이즈 AI 플랫폼을 기반으로 고객이 데이터에 효과적으로 액세스하고 AI 니즈에 동력을 제공할 수 있도록 지원하는 ‘유-애널라이즈(U-Analyze)’ 분석 솔루션으로의 주요 업그레이드를 발표했다. 이 새로운 ... 3월 22일 14:50 More News Technology Software Artificial Intelligence Sales Promotion Overseas Uniphore All News Releases 
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