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RevBits Sweeps the 2024 Globee Cybersecurity Awards Across Multiple Solutions and Categories

· 등록일 Mar. 19, 2024 10:40

· 업데이트일 2024-03-20 00:06:21

MINEOLA, N.Y.--(Business Wire / Korea Newswire)--RevBits, winner in eight categories of the 2024 Globee Cybersecurity Awards®, continues to advance the state of cybersecurity solutions. The Globee Awards recognizes the world’s top providers by their organizational performance, innovations, products and services, leadership, initiatives, and more.

RevBits is pleased to be the recipient of eight awards in multiple categories.

Company-level awards:

· Silver | Most Innovative Security Company
- RevBits

· Silver | Cybersecurity Chief Technology Officer of the Year
- Mucteba Celik, CTO, RevBits

Product-level awards:

· Gold | Security Platform
- RevBits Cyber Intelligence Platform

· Gold | Deception-based Security
- RevBits Deception Technology

· Gold | Endpoint Detection, Visibility & Response
- RevBits Endpoint Security & EDR

· Silver | Privileged Access Control, Security, & Management
- RevBits Privileged Access Management

· Bronze | Email Security and Management
- RevBits Email Security

· Bronze | Zero Trust Security
- RevBits Zero Trust Network

“This recognition of eight awards, for our company, CTO and all six of our main product modules is extremely gratifying. It confirms both the breadth and depth of our solution is unrivaled in the crowded cybersecurity market,” said David Schiffer, CEO. “One of our tag lines is ‘Every CISO’s Dream’ and RevBits’ Cybersecurity Intelligent Platform, truly is that.”

“Innovation is at the core of everything we do,” said Mucteba Celik, CTO. “We probably have the broadest footprint of any cybersecurity software vendor in the market. And still every single one of our products has innovative and unique features that make it stand out from other mainstream solutions. We have wider coverage with superior products. We continue to innovate, for instance in 2023 we have enabled three of our solutions to be fully deployable in Air-Gapped environments (EPS&EDR, PAM, and DT solutions). Once again it is gratifying to see this validated by the experts.”

About RevBits

RevBits is a cybersecurity leader that delivers new levels of security IQ, using behavioral analysis, artificial intelligence, and machine learning, through RevBits Cyber Intelligence Platform (CIP). RevBits CIP is an extensible platform that can plug into Syslog, LogRhythm, Splunk, SIEM, and other log management and security platforms. The integrated dashboard, or mobile app, allows a CISO to see the status of all major components within their cyber defense.

RevBits is taking cybersecurity to the next level, innovating new capabilities with multiple patented technologies to ensure our competitive advantage. RevBits eliminates security gaps between siloed products that cannot integrate, correlate, or analyze unrelated alerts, logs, events, or behavior analytics. RevBits patented technology includes best-in-class cybersecurity modules and provides superior protection by seamlessly working together.

RevBits is headquartered in Mineola, NY with offices in Princeton, NJ; Boston, MA; Houston, TX; Antwerp, Belgium; and London, England. For more information on RevBits please visit www.revbits.com.

View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20240318597175/en/

Website: https://www.revbits.com/ View Korean version of this release Contact RevBits
Neal Hesterberg
Vice President of Business Development
[email protected]
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