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AOP Health Receives Market Authorization for Landiolol in Canada

· 등록일 Dec. 14, 2023 12:10

· 업데이트일 2023-12-14 12:19:15

VIENNA--(Business Wire / Korea Newswire)--At the end of November 2023, AOP Orphan Pharmaceuticals GmbH (AOP Health), an Austrian pharmaceutical company based in Vienna, received authorization from the Canadian Health Authority (Health Canada) for its ultra-short-acting, cardioselective β1-blocker Landiolol. The drug is used in intensive care to treat atrial fibrillation and atrial flutter (supraventricular tachycardia) and non-compensatory sinus tachycardia, hence when the heartbeat accelerates acutely without an identifiable cause. The authorization allows a certain group of intensive care patients access to an additional therapy option. In addition, it opens the door to the North American market for AOP Health.

Martin Steinhart, CEO, AOP Health; Copyright: AOP Health/Studio Koekart Landiolol, which is already authorized in the EU, has been repeatedly presented to the Canadian medical community at international medical congresses. In Canada, Landiolol will only be available in hospitals.

Martin Steinhart, CEO, AOP Health: “The approval of Landiolol in Canada is a great success for us because it shows that we have helped to expand the therapy options for intensive care patients through our research and development activities.”

Local Distributor
Landiolol will be launched and distributed through a local partner, Trimedic Therapeutics Inc.

Csilla Repas, AOP Health Corporate Alliance Director explains: “As an established stakeholder in the Canadian healthcare sector and an expert in the field of intensive care medicine, Trimedic Therapeutics Inc. has the necessary know-how to successfully accompany the market entry. We are pleased that we have been able to acquire a strong partner in Trimedic Therapeutics Inc. for this important task.”

About supraventricular tachycardia
Supraventricular tachycardia (including atrial fibrillation and atrial flutter) can occur in patients with and without heart disease alike. Since these conditions can impair cardiac function and thus lead to acute problems of the cardiovascular system, they require immediate medical attention. Compared to other β1-selective beta blockers, AOP Health's ultra-short-acting beta blockers are characterized by a faster onset of effect and a rapid reduction of the heart rate without significantly lowering the blood pressure. The use of this intravenously administered beta-blocker is limited to acute situations and emergencies and is not intended for the treatment of chronic cardiac arrhythmias.

About AOP Health
The AOP Health Group incorporates several companies including AOP Orphan Pharmaceuticals GmbH with its seat in Vienna, Austria (“AOP Health”). The AOP Health Group is the European pioneer for integrated therapies for rare diseases and in critical care. Over the past 25 years, the Group has become an established provider of integrated therapy solutions operating from its headquarters in Vienna, its subsidiaries and representative offices throughout Europe and the Middle East, as well as through partners worldwide. The claim “Needs. Science. Trust.” sums up the foundation of the Group’s success: establishing trust through a continually high level of investment in research and development and a highly consistent and pragmatic orientation towards the needs of all stakeholders - especially the patients and their families as well as the healthcare professionals treating them.

View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20231213536304/en/

Website: https://www.aop-health.com/global_en View Korean version of this release Contact AOP Orphan Pharmaceuticals GmbH
DI Isolde Fally
+43-676-500 4048
[email protected]
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