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Brandnew Lab to Host Symposium on New Clinic-Use Ampoule ‘Nuvoen’

· 등록일 Jul. 19, 2024 10:30

· 업데이트일 2024-07-20 00:01:45

SEOUL--(Korea Newswire)--Brandnew Lab will be holding a symposium on July 22nd at the Brandnew Clinic in Cheongdam to introduce its new line of clinic-use ampoules, ‘NUVOEN’.

Experience world-class skincare that draws clients from around the globe to Brand New Clinic in Cheongdam Brandnew Lab will be holding a symposium on July 22nd at the Brandnew Clinic in Cheongdam to introduce its new line of clinic-use ampoules, ‘NUVOEN’ At the symposium, Dr. Yoon Song Eun, the director of Brandnew Clinic, will introduce the ‘NUVOEN’ line that he created through more than a decade of clinical practice.

Dr. Yoon will be the keynote speaker, and doctors from the Korean Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery and Laser Medicine will attend the symposium.

The ‘NUVOEN’ collection includes three specific ampoules designed to address various skin concerns, such as defining facial contours, renewing the skin, improving the skin barrier, and enhancing volume.

The ‘NUVOEN Lipo Ampoule’ is formulated to help maintain a sculpted facial contour and firm, volumized skin.

The ‘NUVOEN Boost Ampoule’ includes salmon DNA and the growth factor MGF to boost skin volume, brightness, reduce signs of aging, and improve damaged skin.

The ‘NUVOEN PLLA Ampoule’ uses PLLA (Poly L-Lactic-Acid) micro-particles that are biocompatible and biodegradable to enhance the skin’s collagen production, reduce wrinkles, and create a natural volumizing effect.

At the symposium, the Brandnew Lab will provide attendees with various information including a welcome reception, product presentations, and demonstrations. The attendees will also have a chance to get free samples of the company's products by entering a raffle.

Yun Jaeun, a representative of Brandnew Lab explained, “The NUVOEN line was developed to address a range of skin concerns such as facial contouring, skin rejuvenation, and volume enhancement for their clients. A group of researchers who hold ISO and KGMP certifications have developed these three NUVOEN products, ensuring their safety and efficacy. We hope that these products will win interests from medical professionals.”

Brandnew Lab is in charge of creating and strategically promoting products and services for its subsidiaries, including Brandnew Clinic, Brandnew Solution, and Brandnew Cosmetic Service.

Founded in 2023, the company aims to transform the concept of beauty by moving beyond conventional aesthetics and promoting healthy and transformative beauty that positively impacts people’s lives.

About Brandnew Lab

Well- Life Beauty corporation, Brandnew Lab, aims to go beyond natural beauty to promote healthy beauty as its mission. It envisions making significant changes in individuals’ lives and society through beauty. As a leading corporation in South Korea’s beauty industry, Brandnew Lab strives to be recognized as a unique global entity. In this moment and beyond, Brandnew Lab is committed to delivering new values and inspiration in beauty.

Brandnew clinic blog: https://blog.naver.com/brandnewclinic
Brandnew clinic linktree: https://linktr.ee/brandnewclinic Website: https://brandnewlab.co.kr Contact Brandnew Lab
Chris Lim
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This news is a press release provided by Brandnew Lab Co., Ltd.. Korea Newswire follows these editorial guidelines. Brandnew Lab Co., Ltd. News ReleasesSubscribeRSS Brandnew Lab launches three ‘Nuvoen’ ampoule series for clinics Brandnew Lab announced that it has launched three ampoule products - Boost, Lipo, and PLLA - under its clinic solution brand ‘Nuvoen’, which has the slogan ‘bring new vitality to the skin’, on July 10th. This new product line was researched and developed by Dr. Seong Eun Yoon, the direc... 7월 10일 15:56 More News Health Healthcare & Hospital Life Style Cosmetics Event Seoul Brandnew Lab Co.,... All News Releases 
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