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Tigo Energy Delivers Scalable Insights on EI Platform for High-Growth, Multi-Site Solar Installers

· 등록일 Jul. 10, 2024 15:30

· 업데이트일 2024-07-11 00:00:26

CAMPBELL, CALIF.--(Business Wire / Korea Newswire)--Tigo Energy, Inc. (NASDAQ: TYGO), a leading provider of intelligent solar and energy software solutions, today unveiled a new set of powerful and customizable features of the Tigo Energy Intelligence (EI) Platform. With a newly retooled, upgraded, and tiered approach to delivering the right solar monitoring and insights, even small and mid-sized installation companies can manage their growing solar customer portfolios sustainably. These platform enhancements come online as the U.S. installed base of solar surpasses the 5 million solar installations threshold and the industry considers how it will manage the O&M work as those numbers double by 2030 and triple by 2034.

The Tigo EI Platform now offers upgrade options that deliver even more of the right information at the right time via a user-friendly interface to installers, asset managers, and down to the individual system owner. Most notably for rapidly scaling installers, EPCs, and O&M providers, the new EI Professional package provides a centralized view of critical health and performance data of all systems under management. Beyond a scalable monitoring experience and a simple, flat-price model, the EI Professional package includes:

· one-click enrollment for company-wide, unlimited-seat subscription access covering all systems under management,
· a portfolio-wide dashboard with a prioritized view into critical data, such as health status, production, performance, equipment status, location data, and commissioning time tracking, and
· time-saving features including advanced tagging, grouping, and site filtering for improved management, maintenance, optimization, and trend analysis.

Solar installers use the Tigo EI Platform to gain improved insights into installation status, decrease O&M costs, and monitor energy generation and system performance. The standard system-by-system monitoring view, now named EI Basic, remains free of charge, and includes module-level resolution and insight into third-party hardware. More advanced monitoring and analytics tools, historical data, and minute-level monitoring resolution, among others, are available via a simple, in-platform upgrade to EI Premium.

“As we watch the number, size, and complexity of the residential and commercial systems we deploy increase, we found that the only way to scale was with a comprehensive way to monitor, diagnose, and optimize those systems,” said Garrett Brandt, owner at Radius Energy. “When you consider the cost of even a single truck roll or the opportunity cost of a one-week delay in getting an invoice out post-commissioning, a paid subscription to avoid either makes sense right away. The features now available via the Tigo EI Platform don’t just add value in terms of savings but represent new opportunities for us on the installer side.”

Installer training materials for the EI Platform are now available in the Tigo Academy. Tigo Academy offers new and existing customers and installers an efficient way to learn about Tigo software through hands-on demonstrations and tutorials on how to leverage Tigo software for optimal system performance and customer satisfaction.

“To stay competitive, installers have to become more agile while providing more post-installation services, which is why Tigo has developed increasingly sophisticated options in the EI Platform that deliver the right management tools to the variety of customers we serve,” said Archie Roboostoff, vice president of software, at Tigo Energy. “Software plays an increasingly important role in ensuring that solar deployments reach peak performance while continuously analyzing trends to see where improvements can be made. The EI Platform is designed to identify system issues before production is impacted. System owners expect quality and reliability, and the EI Platform helps to deliver both.”

To learn more about the Tigo EI Platform, including the standard capabilities of EI Basic and the features and subscription pricing for EI Premium and EI Professional, please visit the EI features page at https://www.tigoenergy.com/ei/pricing. Tigo installers are also invited to take advantage of promotional trial access to EI Professional for the month of July, which is available via web browser on the Tigo EI Platform: https://ei.tigoenergy.com/

About Tigo Energy

Founded in 2007, Tigo is a worldwide leader in the development and manufacture of smart hardware and software solutions that enhance safety, increase energy yield, and lower operating costs of residential, commercial, and utility-scale solar systems. Tigo combines its Flex MLPE (Module Level Power Electronics) and solar optimizer technology with intelligent, cloud-based software capabilities for advanced energy monitoring and control. Tigo MLPE products maximize performance, enable real-time energy monitoring, and provide code-required rapid shutdown at the module level. The company also develops and manufactures products such as inverters and battery storage systems for the residential solar-plus-storage market. For more information, please visit www.tigoenergy.com.

View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20240709862359/en/

Website: http://www.tigoenergy.com Contact Tigo
Technica Communications
Cait Caviness
[email protected]
This news is a press release provided by Tigo Energy, Inc.. Korea Newswire follows these editorial guidelines. Tigo Energy, Inc. News ReleasesSubscribeRSS 티고 에너지, 고성장 다중 사이트 태양광 설치업체를 위한 EI 플랫폼에 대한 확장 가능한 통찰력 제공 지능형 태양광 및 에너지 소프트웨어 솔루션의 선도적 공급업체인 티고 에너지(Tigo Energy, Inc.) (NASDAQ: TYGO)가 오늘 티고 에너지 인텔리전스 플랫폼(Tigo Energy Intelligence(EI) Platform) 의 강력하고 사용자 정의 가능한 새로운 기능 세트를 공개했다. 올바른 태양열 모니터링 및 통찰력을 제공하기... 7월 10일 15:30 Tigo Energy Solar Rapid Shutdown Selected by Constructora San Jose for 142MWp Solar System Tigo Energy, Inc. (NASDAQ: TYGO), a leading provider of intelligent solar and energy software solutions, today announced that premier Engineering, Procurement, and Construction (EPC) firm, Constructora San Jose, S.A., has selected Tigo as the rapid shutdown technology provider for a 142... 6월 7일 09:45 ... More  More News Heavy Industries Renewable Energy Sales Promotion Overseas Tigo Energy, Inc. All News Releases 
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