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Intelsat Delivers Unprecedented Connectivity To Palau With Dual-Satellite Solution

· 등록일 May. 29, 2024 17:00

· 업데이트일 2024-05-30 00:00:05

SINGAPORE--(Business Wire / Korea Newswire)--Intelsat, operator of one of the world’s largest integrated satellite and terrestrial networks, has successfully implemented a dual-satellite connectivity solution for Palau, delivering reliable “always-on” service for Palau’s 18,000 inhabitants who live across nine islands in the main archipelago.

“Leveraging our extensive experience in the Asia-Pacific region, we were able to tailor a solution that perfectly meets Palau’s specific needs for reliable connectivity,” said Gaurav Kharod, regional vice president, Intelsat. “This project exemplifies Intelsat’s commitment to bridging the digital divide and fostering connectivity for all corners of the world.”

The Palau National Communications Corporation (PNCC) previously relied on a single undersea fiber-optic cable for all communication needs. But undersea cables are vulnerable to damage, as PNCC discovered when a planned week-long outage of Palau’s cable link to Guam was announced in July 2023. Possibly triggered by Typhoon Mawar, which hit Guam in May, this emergency repair compelled PNCC to limit international internet access solely to critical services.

Intelsat’s solution for Palau utilizes two Intelsat geostationary satellites in separate orbital slots, offering unparalleled redundancy and flexibility. This multi-layered design, employing software-defined wide area networking (SD-WAN) technology, seamlessly blends the two satellites for ultimate resiliency. Critical infrastructure prioritizes C-band connectivity during outages, while the broader population benefits from the increased capacity of the Ku-band. This dual-band approach also provides PNCC with the ability to seamlessly scale Ku-band capacity as needed in the future.

“Intelsat was the right partner for us due to that flexibility and their experience in operating in island nations like Palau,” says Simon Fraser, CEO, Palau National Communications Corporation.

The project’s benefits extend far beyond providing reliable communication. The solution has allowed PNCC to now provide internet services to Palau’s Southwest islands for the first time. It has also created a new revenue opportunity for PNCC, because it is a market that previously was untapped.

Greater connectivity unlocks a wealth of opportunities for Palau’s economy and social development. Residents across the archipelago now have access to essential government services, a wider range of entertainment options, telehealth services and remote educational resources. The remote islands, such as those in the southwestern region, now have internet connectivity, fostering stronger connections with loved ones and the global community.

About Intelsat

Intelsat’s global team of professionals is focused on providing seamless and secure, satellite-based communications to government, NGO and commercial customers through the company’s next-generation worldwide network and managed services. Bridging the digital divide by operating one of the world’s largest and most advanced satellite fleet and connectivity infrastructures, Intelsat enables people and their tools to speak over oceans, see across continents and listen through the skies to communicate, cooperate and coexist. Since its founding six decades ago, the company has been synonymous with satellite-industry “firsts” in service to its customers and the planet. Leaning on a legacy of innovation and focusing on addressing a new generation of challenges Intelsat team members now have their sights on the “next firsts” in space as they disrupt the field and lead in the digital transformation of the industry.

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View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20240528790256/en/

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Melissa Longo
+1 240-308-1881
[email protected]
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