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The Digital Cooperation Organization Launches “EconomiX” Magazine to Enhance Knowledge Sharing in the Digital Ecosystem

· 등록일 May. 28, 2024 16:15

· 업데이트일 2024-05-29 00:06:36

RIYADH, SAUDI ARABIA--(Business Wire / Korea Newswire)--The Digital Cooperation Organization (DCO), a global multilateral organization committed to enabling digital prosperity for all by accelerating the sustainable and inclusive growth of the digital economy, announced the launch of EconomiX magazine, a publication offering insights from international digital economy thought leaders into ways nations and organizations can seize the digital economy’s opportunities to spur digital transformation globally. By merging insights from different stakeholders from the public and private sectors, academia, and international organizations from DCO Member States and other countries, EconomiX provides a holistic view of the digital economy from different perspectives.

1st Issue of the “EconomiX by the DCO” magazine (Graphic: AETOSWire) Manel Bondi - DCO Chief of Digital Markets Growth (Photo: AETOSWire) The first edition of EconomiX covers a wide range of topics including global news on the digital economy, updates from DCO Member States, special articles on “Developing new AI business models” and “Digital upskilling -future-proof jobs”. The theme of the magazine’s first issue “Growth Unleashed - AI: Powering Economic Prosperity” delves into the world of artificial intelligence and its transformative impact on economies worldwide.

In addition to exclusive interviews with H.E. Dr. Bosun Tijani, Minister of Communications, Innovation and Digital Economy of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, and H.E. Paula Ingabire, Minister of Information and Communications Technology and Innovation of the Republic of Rwanda, and Ms. Deemah AlYahya, Secretary-General of the DCO, this issue features articles and interviews with a distinguished group of ministers, CEOs, and experts in technology and the digital economy.

Manel Bondi, DCO’s Chief of Digital Markets Growth, commented: “EconomiX stands as a catalyst for change and empowerment amidst the digital revolution. It fills an important gap with its focus on the economic dimension of technology as a key pillar to drive and sustain inclusive and meaningful economic growth across the globe. It demonstrates how communities, businesses, and governments can cooperate meaningfully and pave the way toward achieving digital prosperity for all. EconomiX is a platform that fosters knowledge sharing, innovation, and inspiration for our readers, and reflects our dedication to promoting cooperation to develop the global digital economy.”

Addressing critical aspects of digital economic advancement like policy making, data transformation, digital updates, women empowerment, and thought leadership, EconomiX endeavors to guide its readers through the digital revolution. It aims to provide actionable insights, expert analysis, and case studies for navigating digital change, fostering an understanding of how to leverage digital transformation for economic and social prosperity.

The magazine is a vital tool for digital transformation, aimed at empowering change by fostering knowledge exchange, enhancing cooperation, uplifting social prosperity, and stimulating innovation. It presents global trends and innovations, advocates for inclusive digital transformation, and fosters a community of leaders shaping the digital future. It also highlights the DCO’s impactful initiatives and showcases success stories from the network. Available in both digital and print formats, it is an invaluable resource for those committed to making a significant impact in the digital realm. https://www.dco.org/economix

Source: AETOSWire

View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20240527424476/en/

Website: https://dco.org/ View Korean version of this release Contact Digital Cooperation Organization
Ahmed Bayouni
[email protected]
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