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ACT Abu Dhabi Is Now Open for Business

· 등록일 May. 17, 2024 13:50

· 업데이트일 2024-05-18 00:00:22

ABU DHABI, UNITED ARAB EMIRATES--(Business Wire / Korea Newswire)--Arabian Chemical Terminals LLC in Abu Dhabi (ACTAD) is proud to announce the start of operations at its newly built chemical tank storage terminal in Khalifa Port, Abu Dhabi, UAE. The terminal is the first commercial chemical tank farm of its kind in the Emirate.

ACT Abu Dhabi open for business (Photo: AETOSWire) Strategically located in the new world class Khalifa Port and adjacent to the modern and sprawling Khalifa Economic Zone Abu Dhabi (KEZAD), ACTAD aims to participate in the drive to promote new industries in the Emirate.

ACTAD was designed and built as State of the Art in compliance with the highest international standards and boasts a total of 40 tanks of various specifications (20 Carbon Steel including 10 with IFR and 20 Stainless Steel including 10 insulated with heating/cooling system) for a total of 100,000 CBM storage capacity. Each tank has a devoted pipeline to a dedicated berth of 16 meters draft and dedicated truck loading bays, therefore, eliminating the risks of cross product contamination, promoting maximum operating efficiency and flexibility to the customers.

Additionally, the site has a 500 sqm warehouse for dangerous goods and provision for drums/IBCs filling.

The terminal has an independently operated third party fully equipped surveyor laboratory for sampling and testing.

ACTAD operates with an Integrated Management System following International Standards; ISO-9000, 14000, 18000, CDI-T and ISGOTT.

The Terminal will help local industries to import their liquid chemical needs in bulk or export their liquid chemical products to the globe. It can also act as a storage hub and/or break-bulk operations for international companies as it is strategically located in a bonded zone within Khalifa Port.

ACTAD is an extension of Arabian Chemical Terminals LTD in Saudi Arabia (ACT-KSA). ACT-KSA is an owner/operator of two other terminals, one in Yanbu on the Red Sea coast and one in Jubail Commercial Port on the Arabian Gulf. From its humble beginnings in 1986 in Yanbu, ACT-KSA was the first commercial tank farm established in Saudi Arabia, starting with 13,000 CBM of storage capacity. In 2012 ACT-KSA built the first commercial bulk storage facility in Jubail adding a further 70,000 CBM of storage capacity with tanks varying in specifications and in sizes. The Jubail terminal is currently under expansion to add a further 70,000 CBM of capacity.

Source: AETOSWire

View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20240515922771/en/

Website: https://www.act-uae.com/ View Korean version of this release Contact Arabian Chemical Terminals
Manuel Pereira
[email protected]
This news is a press release provided by Arabian Chemical Terminals. Korea Newswire follows these editorial guidelines. Arabian Chemical Terminals News ReleasesSubscribeRSS ACT 아부다비, 비즈니스 개시 아부다비의 아라비안 케미컬 터미널스(Arabian Chemical Terminals LLC, 이하 ACTAD)가 아부다비 칼리파 항에 새로 건설한 화학 탱크 저장 터미널의 가동을 시작한다고 발표했다. 이 터미널은 에미리트 최초의 상업용 화학 탱크팜(chemical tank farm)이다. 새로운 월드 클래스의 칼리파 항에 전략적으로 위치... 5월 17일 13:50 More News Transportation Logistics Heavy Industries Chemicals Establishment Overseas Arabian Chemical ... All News Releases 
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