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Alvaria Announces Expansion of Avaya Partnership to Include Alvaria CX Premier Enterprise-scale Omnichannel Compliant Outbound Engagement

· 등록일 May. 14, 2024 15:35

· 업데이트일 2024-05-15 00:00:14

ATLANTA--(Business Wire / Korea Newswire)--Alvaria® is pleased to announce the expansion of our partnership with Avaya, a leading provider of enterprise customer experience solutions, to include the Alvaria CX™ platform in our joint delivery of enterprise-scale high performance solutions for omnichannel-compliant outbound customer engagement.

Alvaria CX will be available in the Avaya One Source store by the end of May. Alvaria will be demonstrating the Alvaria CX high performance omnichannel outbound campaign capabilities to Avaya customers and partners at Avaya ENGAGE in Denver, Colorado, May 13th - 15th. Alvaria CX expands on the Alvaria capabilities available with Avaya by providing additional compliance options and deployment solutions in the customer environment of choice - on-premises, private cloud, public cloud, virtual private cloud (VPC), hybrid.

Omar Javaid, SVP and Chief Product Officer at Avaya, “The pairing of the Alvaria outbound campaign and compliance management tools with Avaya Experience Platform™ enabled call center agents helps address the needs of Avaya’s enterprise customers who have sophisticated outbound engagement strategies and the partners who support them.”

“With the addition of Alvaria CX now available as part of the Alvaria portfolio through Avaya and their channel partners, we continue to build our partnership and offer the Avaya global partner network and customers the opportunity to provide premier proactive outreach solutions,” said Jeff Cotten, Alvaria CEO.

Alvaria is proud to be a sponsor of Avaya ENGAGE 2024. Schedule a time to meet with us or stop by Developer Marketplace Booth #530.

About Alvaria

Alvaria makes technology that powers better connections with your team and customers. Proudly celebrating over 50 years in business, Alvaria was created through the merger of two influential contact center technology companies—Aspect Software and Noble Systems. Our foundation is built on delivering sophisticated, feature-rich, and intelligently designed workforce management and contact center infrastructure solutions tailored for large global enterprises and organizations. We support an extensive ecosystem of unique components accessible via APIs and complemented by a growing number of strategic integrations that help our customers and partners modernize their contact centers at their pace and with the security, flexibility, and customization they require. To learn more, visit www.alvaria.com.

View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20240513715151/en/

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