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EDX Markets Launches Singapore-Based EDXM Global

· 등록일 May. 09, 2024 14:10

· 업데이트일 2024-05-10 00:00:44

SINGAPORE--(Business Wire / Korea Newswire)--EDXM Global (EDXMG), a fast-growing digital asset company for institutional customers, announced today the launch of its settlement platform. EDXM Global sets a new standard in the digital asset landscape, streamlining OTC transaction settlements with remarkable speed and reliability. Marking a significant milestone, industry giants GSR and Virtu Financial were the first firms to use the new platform for trade settlement.

The launch of EDXM Global comes after its parent, EDX Markets Holdings LLC (EDX), closed its Series B funding round late last year. Pantera Capital co-led the round with Sequoia Capital, a founding consortium member. Other founding members participating in the Series B include Citadel Securities, Fidelity Digital AssetsSM, and Virtu Financial.

Jamil Nazarali, CEO of EDX, commented, “The launch of EDXM Global is the first step in the international expansion of our digital asset business. We are thrilled to introduce our settlement service, built on cutting-edge technology, rigorous compliance, and an unwavering commitment to customer service. By mitigating counterparty risks, EDXM Global empowers our Members to navigate the complexities of trade settlement while reducing counterparty risks.”

Rich Rosenblum, Co-founder and President of GSR, said, “We are pleased to support the launch of EDXM Global. Being able to mitigate settlement risks for OTC transactions represents a significant advantage for us and our clients, and we are proud to align with a partner that mirrors our dedication to excellence and innovation.”

Douglas Cifu, CEO of Virtu Financial, said, “Virtu is excited to support another strategic innovation by the talented team at EDX. EDX continues to lead the way with solutions to efficiently mitigate counterparty risk and streamline settlement processes, further reducing risk and operational barriers to enable greater adoption of digital assets around the globe.”

About EDXM Global

EDXM Global Markets is a fast-growing digital asset company for institutional customers which leverages best practices from traditional financial markets on a purpose-built crypto platform. EDXM Global operates a platform designed to meet the needs of both crypto-native firms as well as the world's largest financial institutions.

Based in Singapore, EDXM Global is an affiliate of EDX Markets. EDX Markets was started in 2022 by a consortium of major financial firms, including Citadel Securities, Fidelity Digital Assets, Virtu Financial and Charles Schwab, and prominent crypto Venture Capital firms Sequoia, Pantera, and Paradigm.

View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20240507178717/en/

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This news is a press release provided by EDXM Global Markets. Korea Newswire follows these editorial guidelines. EDXM Global Markets News ReleasesSubscribeRSS EDX 마켓, 싱가포르 기반 EDXM 글로벌 출시 빠르게 성장 중인 기관 고객을 위한 디지털 자산 기업 EDXM 글로벌 (EDXM Global, EDXMG)이 결제 플랫폼을 출시했다고 오늘 발표했다. EDXM 글로벌은 놀라운 속도와 안정성으로 장외거래(OTC) 결제를 간소화해 디지털 자산 환경의 새로운 표준을 제시한다. 업계 거물인 GSR과 버추 파이낸셜이 거래 결제를 위... 5월 9일 14:10 More News Finance Cryptocurrency Finance Technology New Product Overseas EDXM Global Markets All News Releases 
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