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Interactive Brokers Launches Daily Options on the CAC 40® Index

· 등록일 May. 03, 2024 13:20

· 업데이트일 2024-05-04 00:02:51

GREENWICH, CONN.--(Business Wire / Korea Newswire)--Interactive Brokers (Nasdaq: IBKR), an automated global electronic broker, today announced the availability of Daily Options on the CAC 40® index, further expanding Interactive Brokers’ robust product suite. Daily Options on the CAC 40® index provide experienced investors with another means to execute short-term trading strategies and manage exposure to the French stock market.

Milan Galik, Chief Executive Officer of Interactive Brokers, commented on the launch, “We are pleased to offer Daily Options on the CAC 40® index, which will allow our clients to balance risk and swiftly adjust their portfolios in response to market movements. At Interactive Brokers, we strive to equip our clients with an array of products to find global opportunities, and this new offering underscores our commitment to providing traders with comprehensive product solutions.”

Daily Options on the CAC 40® index cater to growing demand from institutional and retail investors for options with daily expirations. These options offer a unique opportunity to engage in short-term trading strategies with potentially lower costs due to their shorter time frame and thus decreased time value.

Key Benefits for Options Traders at Interactive Brokers include:

· Comprehensive Offering: Access to options markets worldwide, including major indexes like the CAC 40®, alongside stocks, bonds, funds, and more.
· Advanced Tools: State-of-the-art trading platforms that provide algorithmic trading options, risk management tools, and market scanners that help identify trading opportunities.
· Competitive Pricing: Low cost of execution, which can significantly impact the profitability of high-frequency options trading.
· Education and Support: Extensive resources, including webinars, courses, and tutorials tailored to both novice and experienced options traders.

Interactive Brokers has long been recognized for its advanced trading technology and wide range of products, making it possible for traders to access global markets efficiently. The introduction of Daily Options on the CAC 40® index aligns with the company’s strategy to continuously enhance its product offerings and support the trading strategies of its global clients.

For more information on all the products Interactive Brokers offers, please visit:

US and countries served by IB LLC: https://www.interactivebrokers.com/en/whyib/global_access.php
Canada: https://www.interactivebrokers.ca/en/whyib/global_access.php
United Kingdom: https://www.interactivebrokers.co.uk/en/whyib/global_access.php
Europe: https://www.interactivebrokers.ie/en/whyib/global_access.php
Hong Kong: https://www.interactivebrokers.com.hk/en/whyib/global_access.php
Singapore: https://www.interactivebrokers.com.sg/en/whyib/global_access.php
Australia: https://www.interactivebrokers.com.au/en/whyib/global_access.php
Japan: https://www.interactivebrokers.co.jp/en/whyib/global_access.php

The Best Informed Investors Choose Interactive Brokers

About Interactive Brokers Group, Inc.

Interactive Brokers Group affiliates provide automated trade execution and custody of securities, commodities, and foreign exchange around the clock on over 150 markets in numerous countries and currencies, from a single unified platform to clients worldwide. We serve individual investors, hedge funds, proprietary trading groups, financial advisors and introducing brokers. Our four decades of focus on technology and automation has enabled us to equip our clients with a uniquely sophisticated platform to manage their investment portfolios. We strive to provide our clients with advantageous execution prices and trading, risk and portfolio management tools, research facilities and investment products, all at low or no cost, positioning them to achieve superior returns on investments. For the sixth consecutive year, Barron’s ranked Interactive Brokers #1 with 5 out of 5 stars in its June 9, 2023, Best Online Brokers Review.

View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20240501113351/en/

Website: https://www.interactivebrokers.com.hk/en... View Korean version of this release Contact Interactive Brokers Group, Inc.
Katherine Ewert
This news is a press release provided by Interactive Brokers Group, Inc.. Korea Newswire follows these editorial guidelines. Interactive Brokers Group, Inc. News ReleasesSubscribeRSS 인터렉티브 브로커스, CAC 40® 인덱스에 ‘일일 옵션’ 출시 자동화된 글로벌 전자 중개업체인 인터랙티브 브로커스(Interactive Brokers) (나스닥: IBKR)가 오늘 CAC 40® 지수에 ‘일일 옵션(Daily Options)’을 추가해 인터랙티브 브로커스의 강력한 제품군을 더욱 확장한다고 발표했다. CAC 40® 인덱스의 일일 옵션은 숙련된 투자자에게 단기 거래 전략을 실행하고 프랑... 5월 3일 13:20 Interactive Brokers Announces Extended Trading Hours for US Treasury Bonds Interactive Brokers (Nasdaq: IBKR), an automated global electronic broker, today announced a significant expansion of trading hours for US Treasury bonds on its platform. Clients around the world can now trade US Treasury bonds for 22 hours each day. The trading session closes daily at ... 4월 26일 10:55 ... More  More News Finance Stocks Technology Internet New Product Overseas Interactive Broke... All News Releases 
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