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McKay Brothers Launches Fastest London-Stockholm Private Bandwidth

· 등록일 Apr. 11, 2024 11:10

· 업데이트일 2024-04-12 00:00:25

GENEVA--(Business Wire / Korea Newswire)--McKay Brothers International (MBI) launched the lowest latency private bandwidth between London and Stockholm. McKay’s ultra-low latency service connects key European exchanges: London’s LD4 data center, home of Cboe Europe and Stockholm’s Stack STO01 data center, which houses Nasdaq-OMX’s markets. McKay’s hybrid wireless-fiber route transmits data between London and Stockholm hundreds of microseconds faster than incumbent services. McKay’s service also allows for data to be transmitted and received at London’s Interxion and Telehouse North 2 data centers.

“We are thrilled to connect key London and Stockholm exchange trading centers at the lowest latency,” said MBI’s managing director Francois Tyc. “We continue to expand our services to all major European trading centers and aim to offer the lowest latency across the board.”

MBI has Europe’s largest portfolio of ultra-low latency wireless networks and exchange market data used by trading firms, banks, and hedge funds. MBI’s long haul microwave networks connect London, Frankfurt, Bergamo, Zurich and Madrid. McKay’s London Metro service connects the major UK trading centers. The company’s London-Dublin network provides the lowest latency connectivity to key crypto venues. MBI’s market data services distribute select exchange data from Eurex, LME, Cboe Europe, CME, and the Intercontinental Exchange at critical trading centers in Europe.

About McKay Brothers International

McKay Brothers International (MBI) is the leading global provider of ultra-low latency wireless infrastructure and market data technology. The company serves the most sophisticated and successful trading firms active in the global financial markets. MBI launched its first European network in 2014. The company’s services have grown steadily and now extend to major financial centers across Europe and Asia. Most of MBI’s services deliver the lowest latency available. Importantly, the best latency for any service is offered on a level playing field basis to all clients. Learn more at www.mckay-brothers.com

View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20240409738622/en/

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This news is a press release provided by McKay Brothers International. Korea Newswire follows these editorial guidelines. McKay Brothers International News ReleasesSubscribeRSS 맥케이 브라더스, 가장 빠른 런던-스톡홀름 프라이빗 대역폭 출시 맥케이 브라더스 인터내셔널(McKay Brothers International, MBI)이 런던과 스톡홀름 사이에 가장 짧은 지연 시간의 프라이빗 대역폭을 출시했다. 맥케이의 초저지연 서비스는 Cboe 유럽(Cboe Europe)의 본거지인 런던의 LD4 데이터 센터와 나스닥-OMX 시장이 있는 스톡홀름의 스택 STO01(Stack STO01) 데이터... 4월 11일 11:10 More News Technology Internet Telecommunication New Product Overseas McKay Brothers In... All News Releases 
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