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Murata’s New LCT Redefines Power Supply Noise Suppression, Reducing Component Count and Costs

· 등록일 May. 14, 2024 14:50

· 업데이트일 2024-05-15 00:00:15

KYOTO, JAPAN--(Business Wire / Korea Newswire)--Murata Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (TOKYO: 6981) (ISIN: JP3914400001) unveils a significant advancement in the realm of electronic components with the launch of its innovative L Cancel Transformer (LCT). This remarkable product is the first of its kind and can neutralize the equivalent series inductance (ESL) of a capacitor, optimizing its noise-reducing capabilities. Utilizing Murata’s exclusive ceramic multilayer technology, this breakthrough solution allows engineers to reduce system noise while decreasing costs and component count.

[Murata Manufacturing Co., Ltd.] L Cancel Transformer(Photo: Business Wire) As the demand for miniaturized and highly functional electronics increases, the issue of electromagnetic noise is becoming increasingly prominent for many industries. As a noise countermeasure, capacitors are often utilized between the power supply line and ground, but this method is not without its challenges. The noise removal effectiveness of the capacitor is optimal when a capacitor’s impedance is lowest. However, capacitor impedance can rise due to its ESL, particularly at frequencies beyond the self-resonant frequency, undermining the efficacy of the noise cancellation. To minimize this impact, it is common practice to connect numerous capacitors in parallel in order to collectively reduce impedance, at the expense of Bill of Material (BoM) component count and costs.

Murata’s LCT is a revolutionary new concept capable of resolving the longstanding challenge of managing power supply noise and capacitor component count. Murata’s LCT component is specifically engineered to minimize noise within the frequency range of a few MHz to 1GHz. It achieves this by utilizing negative mutual inductance to reduce a noise-reducing capacitor’s ESL and therefore increase the effectiveness of its operation, drastically reducing the number of required capacitors.

By using non-magnetic ceramic multilayer technology in its construction, the LCT ensures stable negative inductance and low DC resistance (maximum 55mΩ) even in the presence of current variations and is suitable for a wide range of applications, including consumer, industrial and healthcare products. Murata’s LCT breakthrough is a result of their extensive multilayer ceramic knowledge and redefines power supply noise reduction circuit design, and minimizes a significant and persistent electronic design challenge.

Each LCT is suitable for temperatures up to temperatures 125oC and since there is no DC superposition characteristic, it can be used with stable negative inductance up to 3A. The surface mount device (SMD) measures just 2.0 x 1.25 x 0.95 mm and is available in tape and reel packing.

“Murata’s new LCT is a true innovation that does not merely improve what is available, but redefines what is seen as a standard noise suppression component by radically redefining the entire concept”, said Masamichi Ando, Vice President Business Incubation Center Corporate Technology & Business Development Unit, at Murata. “With this revolutionary component, engineers will be able to reduce component count, system complexity and costs, helping to both further miniaturize their solutions and reduce its impact on the environment by lowering material consumption.”

Murata’s LCT (Part number: LXLC21HN0N9C0L) is entering production with samples available now. For more information please visit here.

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View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20240513693449/en/

Website: http://www.murata.com View Korean version of this release Contact Murata Manufacturing Co., Ltd.
Corporate Communications Department
Keisuke Tsuboi
[email protected]
This news is a press release provided by Murata Manufacturing Co., Ltd.. Korea Newswire follows these editorial guidelines. Murata Manufacturing Co., Ltd. News ReleasesSubscribeRSS 무라타의 새로운 LCT, 전원 공급 장치의 노이즈 저감… 부품 수 및 비용 감소 실현 주식회사 무라타제작소(도쿄:6981)(ISIN:JP391440001)(이하, 당사)가 세계 최초[※1]로 상호 인덕턴스[※2]가 서로 상쇄되는 특성을 활용해 수 MHz부터 1GHz까지의 고조파[※3]영역의 전원 노이즈 저감이 가능한 LCT 제품의 ‘LXLC21 시리즈’(이하, 본 제품)를 개발했다. 전원회로 내 커패시터에 본 제품을 1개 추... 5월 14일 14:50 Murata’s multi-band LoRa® radio module simplifies wireless design and supply-chain management for IoT device developers Murata Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (TOKYO: 6981) (ISIN: JP3914400001) today unveiled its groundbreaking Type 2GT module, a multi-band, low-power radio (LoRa®) module which marks a significant leap forward in the development of IoT devices requiring versatile wireless connectivity. This high... 4월 22일 13:40 ... More  More News Technology Semiconductor R&D Overseas Murata Manufactur... All News Releases 
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