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Siemens Korea Digital Industries Successfully Concludes Exhibition at ‘Smart Factory+Automation World 2024’

· 등록일 Apr. 01, 2024 11:00

· 업데이트일 2024-04-02 00:00:32

SEOUL--(Korea Newswire)--Digital Industries (DI) of Siemens Korea (Siemens Ltd. Seoul · SLS) announced that it has successfully concluded its exhibition at ‘Smart Factory+Automation World 2024’ held at COEX from March 27 to 29.

Officials from Siemens Korea and participants pose for a photo at an exhibition at ‘Smart Factory+Automation World’(From the center left of the front row, Tino Hildebrand, Executive Vice President and Head of Digital Industries at Siemens Korea, KwangHee Baek, Head of Motion Control Business Unit for Digital Industries at Siemens Korea) The exhibition, themed ‘Accelerate Transformation for Industrial Production’, comprised six zones, including △Digital Enterprise for Industrial Metaverse △Design △Realize △Optimize △Sustainability and Energy Efficiency △Siemens Xcelerator, presenting Siemens’ latest smart manufacturing technologies and industrial trends.

In the Digital Enterprise for Industrial Metaverse zone, virtual factory solutions related to battery manufacturing processes and various industrial sectors were showcased, along with solutions for leveraging ESG and sustainability. The Design zone also introduced sophisticated simulations from the design stage to meet the demands of the increasingly complex market, presenting new strategies for adaptive production processes.

Furthermore, the Realize zone presented network technologies integrating IT and OT, core elements for implementing smart factory solutions, and solutions combining virtual and real elements. The Optimize zone featured Siemens’ solutions utilizing various production data to achieve customized manufacturing and maximize productivity.

In the Sustainability and Energy Efficiency zone, solutions for decarbonization in the supply chain, self-operation, and usage stages were introduced. The Siemens Xcelerator zone highlighted Siemens' open digital business platform.

On the last day of the exhibition, March 29, Siemens hosted a special seminar on Digital Twin solutions, showcasing examples supporting the digitalization of various manufacturing sites such as batteries, electric vehicles, smart factories, and chemical processes, outlining the future of the manufacturing industry.

Tino Hildebrand, Executive Vice President and Head of Digital Industries at Siemens Korea, said, “In this exhibition, we showcased the latest smart manufacturing technologies and industrial trends to support domestic customers facing diverse challenges. Siemens will continue to accelerate the digital transformation of the domestic manufacturing industry and help customers’ successful innovations.”

Additionally, KwangHee Baek, Head of Motion Control Business Unit for Digital Industries at Siemens Korea, said, “Siemens will continue to provide robust digital solutions to proactively address our customers’ changing industrial environments. We also look forward to presenting methods for achieving the sustainability of production manufacturing at SIMTOS 2024, starting from April 1, and appreciate your keen interest.”

Website: http://www.siemens.co.kr View Korean version of this release Contact Siemens Ltd. Seoul
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