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Leonard Green & Partners and Berkshire Partners Portfolio Company, SRS Distribution, Enters into a Definitive Agreement to be Acquired by The Home Depot for $18.25 Billion

· 등록일 Mar. 29, 2024 15:20

· 업데이트일 2024-03-29 20:08:37

LOS ANGELES & BOSTON--(Business Wire / Korea Newswire)--The portfolio company of Leonard Green & Partners and Berkshire Partners, SRS Distribution (“SRS”), has entered into a definitive agreement with The Home Depot to be acquired for $18.25 billion. The details of this sale were made public in press releases issued this morning by The Home Depot and SRS. SRS is a leading distributor of residential and commercial building products in the United States, with more than 760 branches across 47 states. The Home Depot is the world’s largest home improvement retailer.

“We feel privileged to have had the opportunity to invest in and partner with SRS and its more than 11,000 employee stakeholders,” said Jonathan Seiffer, Senior Partner, Leonard Green & Partners. “We extend a heartfelt thank you and congratulations to the entire team at SRS on their remarkable history of growth. SRS’s legacy of success and achievement would not have been possible without the phenomenal leadership of CEO Dan Tinker and his team and Chairman Ron Ross, as well as the unique culture and operating model that they have forged at SRS.”

“Since our investment in SRS 11 years ago, we’ve enjoyed a highly collaborative and effective partnership with CEO Dan Tinker and the entire SRS management team and we’re thrilled to reach such a successful milestone in this announced sale to The Home Depot,” said Josh Lutzker, Managing Director, Berkshire Partners. “SRS started as a small, regional player and has grown into a national platform serving multiple end markets. We’re all proud to be associated with such a great team and growth story.”

“We’re thrilled to be combining with The Home Depot, which is a direct result of the unwavering commitment and dedication from the entire team at SRS,” said Dan Tinker, President, and CEO of SRS Distribution. “I’m so proud of our company, our strong culture, and our impressive growth story. Throughout this journey, we’ve accomplished so much for our customers, our suppliers, our community, and our employees. I’m also grateful for the support and guidance we received from our private equity partners - Leonard Green & Partners and Berkshire Partners. Both firms take a collaborative and long-term approach to engagement and value creation, which has contributed significantly to the success of our business.”

Berkshire Partners invested in SRS in 2013 when the company generated approximately $650 million of revenue with fewer than 100 branches, distributing primarily residential roofing supplies. Today, SRS operates more than 760 branches in almost every state producing more than $10 billion in annual revenue.

In 2018, Leonard Green & Partners became majority owner of SRS, with Berkshire Partners remaining a significant shareholder. Over the duration of the partnership, both private equity firms helped evolve and grow the best-in-class leadership team at SRS. Through its entry into landscaping distribution in 2019 and pool distribution in 2021, SRS also significantly expanded the breadth of industries it served. SRS also has a remarkable commitment to employee ownership, which drives a thriving culture and compelling results. The company’s widespread employee ownership and equity incentive programs have helped to reinforce high levels of engagement and strong company performance.

About LGP

LGP is a leading private equity investment firm founded in 1989 and based in Los Angeles with over $75 billion of assets under management. The firm partners with experienced management teams and often with founders to invest in market-leading companies. Since inception, LGP has invested in over 120 companies in the form of traditional buyouts, going-private transactions, recapitalizations, growth equity, and selective public equity and debt positions. The firm primarily focuses on companies providing services, including consumer, healthcare, and business services, as well as retail, distribution, and industrials. For more information, please visit www.leonardgreen.com.

About Berkshire Partners

Berkshire Partners is a 100% employee-owned, multi-sector specialist investor in private and public equity. The firm’s private equity team invests in well-positioned, growing companies across services & industrials, technology & communications, consumer, and healthcare. Since inception, Berkshire Partners has made more than 150 private equity investments and has a strong history of collaborating with management teams to grow the companies in which it invests. The firm's public equity group, Stockbridge, founded in 2007, manages a concentrated portfolio seeking attractive long-term investments. The firm’s Stockbridge and Private Equity teams frequently collaborate and leverage their collective industry expertise across sectors. For additional information, visit www.berkshirepartners.com.

About SRS Distribution

Founded in 2008 and headquartered in McKinney, Texas, SRS Distribution has become one of the fastest growing building products distributors in the United States. Since the Company’s inception, it has established a differentiated growth strategy and entrepreneurial culture that is focused on serving customers, partnering with suppliers, and attracting the industry’s best talent. SRS currently operates under a family of distinct local brands encompassing more than 760 locations across 47 states. SRS Distribution is a portfolio company of Leonard Green & Partners, L.P. and Berkshire Partners LLC. For more information, visit www.srsdistribution.com.

Quotes representing endorsements are provided by an executive of a portfolio company owned by funds advised by Berkshire Partners. The executive was not compensated for providing these endorsements. However, as a result of the ownership structure of Berkshire Partners Private Equity’s portfolio companies, a conflict of interest exists because the executive has an incentive to make positive statements about Berkshire Partners and their experiences with Berkshire Partners to maintain the goodwill with Berkshire Partners.

View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20240328765775/en/

Website: https://berkshirepartners.com/ View Korean version of this release Contact Berkshire Partners
Greg Winter
[email protected]

Leonard Green & Partners (LGP)
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SRS Distribution
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This news is a press release provided by Berkshire Partners. Korea Newswire follows these editorial guidelines. Berkshire Partners News ReleasesSubscribeRSS 레너드 그린 앤 파트너스와 버크셔 파트너스의 포트폴리오 회사 SRS 디스트리뷰션, 182억5000만달러에 홈디포로 인수되는 최종 계약 체결 레너드 그린 앤 파트너스(Leonard Green & Partners) 와 버크셔 파트너스(Berkshire Partners) 의 포트폴리오 회사인 SRS 디스트리뷰션(SRS Distribution)(“SRS”)가 홈디포(The Home Depot)와 182억5000만달러에 인수되는 최종 계약을 체결했다. 이 매각의 세부 사항은 오늘 아침 홈디포 와 SRS가 발표한 보도... 15:20 More News Finance Asset Management Heavy Industries Construction Mergers & Acquisitions Overseas Berkshire Partners All News Releases 
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