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Celonis Expands into Korea with Appointment of Chun Hyunjae as Country Manager

· 등록일 Mar. 21, 2024 15:00

· 업데이트일 2024-03-21 21:31:18

SEOUL, SOUTH KOREA & MUNICH & NEW YORK--(Business Wire / Korea Newswire)--Celonis, the global leader in Process Mining, today announced the appointment of Chun Hyunjae as Korea Country Manager, expanding the company’s presence in the Asia-Pacific (APAC) region.

Chun Hyunjae, Country Manager - Korea, for Celonis (Photo: Business Wire) Chun Hyunjae is an IT industry veteran with over 23 years of experience in leadership positions at Oracle, Red Hat and most recently Palantir. As Country Manager, Chun Hyunjae will focus on expanding Celonis’ operations in Korea, working with Celonis partners to help new and existing customers optimize their business operations and unlock the value in their processes.

Celonis, which entered the Korean market this year, has a strong presence in the Asia-Pacific region, and according to the Everest Group Process Mining PEAK Matrix® Assessment 2023, holds the highest share of the process mining market across most geographies, including APAC. In 2023, Gartner also named Celonis as a Leader in the first-ever Magic Quadrant™ for Process Mining Tools.

“I am excited to welcome Chun Hyunjae to Celonis as our Country Manager for Korea, a crucial area for our APAC operations,” said Philippe Mathieu, SVP EMEA and APAC at Celonis. “With a wealth of IT industry knowledge, leadership experience and regional expertise, Hyunjae is the ideal person to drive our growth in Korea and help our customers drive significant business value across their top, bottom and green lines.”

“I am thrilled to join Celonis as Country Manager for Korea,” said Chun. “Drawing on my enterprise software background and deep understanding of the region, I will focus on delivering tailored solutions based on Celonis’ marketing-leading process intelligence to help our customers increase productivity, deliver value, improve customer satisfaction and operate more sustainably. I look forward to growing Celonis’ operations in Korea and working with our partners to expand the process mining community.”

About Celonis

Since 2011, Celonis has helped thousands of the world’s largest and most esteemed companies yield immediate cash impact, radically improve customer experience, and reduce carbon emissions. Its Process Intelligence platform uses industry-leading process mining technology and AI to present companies with a living digital twin of their end-to-end processes. For the first time, everyone in an organization has a common language for how the business runs, visibility into where value is hiding, and the ability to capture it. Celonis is headquartered in Munich, Germany and New York City, USA with more than 20 offices worldwide.

© 2024 Celonis SE. All rights reserved. Celonis and the Celonis “droplet” logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Celonis SE in Germany and other jurisdictions. All other product and company names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.

View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20240320084893/en/

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