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Fitch Group Completes Acquisition of Bixby

· 등록일 Dec. 05, 2023 10:45

· 업데이트일 2023-12-05 11:12:11

NEW YORK & LONDON--(Business Wire / Korea Newswire)--Fitch Group, a global leader in financial information services owned by Hearst, today announced that it has completed the acquisition of all the remaining stock it does not own of Bixby Research and Analytics (“Bixby”), a leading provider of credit information on private syndicated loan issuers. Earlier this year Fitch Ventures, the equity investment arm of Fitch Group, led Bixby’s Series A round.

Bixby, founded by Brian Conroy, will become a wholly-owned subsidiary of Fitch Solutions and will be managed by CreditSights. Bixby will be incorporated into CreditSights’ leveraged finance product suite, which includes Covenant Review’s legal analysis, LevFin Insights’ news and data, and CreditSights’ fundamental research.

Ted Niedermayer, President of Fitch Solutions, said: “The acquisition of Bixby is a natural next step as we continue to prioritize our leveraged finance offerings. Bixby’s data provides complementary insights to CreditSights, which bolsters our loan offering and also allows us to grow our special situations coverage.”

Brian Conroy, CEO and Founder of Bixby Research and Analytics, said: “Working with CreditSights over the past six months has expanded our reach in the loan market. We’re excited to build upon this success by fully integrating into the CreditSights leveraged finance platform.”

CreditSights clients will be able to access Bixby data and documents, Covenant Review legal research, and LevFin Insights proprietary company news and data, from new issue through bankruptcy, on one platform.

About Fitch Solutions

Fitch Solutions is a leading provider of insights, data and analytics. It informs investment strategies, strengthens risk management capabilities and helps identify strategic opportunities. Its analysts, lawyers, journalists and economists offer in-depth views on credit markets/risk and individual credits, ESG, developed and emerging markets, and industry sectors. Fitch Solutions is part of Fitch Group, a global leader in financial information services with operations in more than 30 countries. Fitch Group is owned by Hearst. Further information: fitchsolutions.com.

About CreditSights

CreditSights, Covenant Review, and LevFin Insights bring together best-in-class research, covenant analysis, and news on one platform, with a unified interface and login. CreditSights, a Fitch Solutions Company, was founded over 20 years ago with the goal of producing insightful, impartial research that would allow our clients to make prudent, profitable investment decisions in the global credit markets. Now more than ever before, we give our clients the ability to KNOW MORE, RISK BETTER.

About Bixby Research and Analytics

Bixby Research and Analytics is the leading provider of private credit information and data in the broadly syndicated loan market. Since inception, Bixby has been delivering market-moving news and comprehensive financial data to drive trading velocity for its clients and keep them ahead of the competition.

View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20231204847411/en/

Website: https://www.fitch.group/ Contact Fitch Group
Eleis Brennan
+1 646 582 3666
[email protected]

Bixby Research and Analytics
Brian Conroy
+1 312 690 9531
[email protected]
This news is a press release from the provider.
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