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OAG’s Aviation Network Champions Recognize Excellence in ASPAC

· 등록일 Feb. 29, 2024 16:20

· 업데이트일 2024-03-01 10:14:31

SINGAPORE--(Business Wire / Korea Newswire)--OAG, the world’s leading data platform for the global travel industry, today announces the winners of its Asia-Pacific (ASPAC) Aviation Network Champions. The list recognizes the journey toward recovery airlines and airports in the ASPAC region have been on since 2019. Key categories look at frequency and capacity growth for both long and short haul operators, and the most improved networks and recovered routes.

Using the world’s largest network of flight information and market performance, OAG determined the most successful airlines and airports based on connection and capacity growth, and recovery. Categories include:

· Capacity Growth Airlines: Awarded the highest growth (%) in airline capacity between 2019-2023.
· Frequency Growth Airlines: Those with the highest increase (%) in flight frequency between 2019-2023.
· Most Improved Network Airlines: Those who added the most new flight routes in 2023 vs 2019.
· Most Recovered Airports: Established by airline capacity growth (%) between 2019-2023.
· Fastest Growing Airports: The highest growth rate (%) in airline capacity change from Q4 2023 vs Q4 2022.

VietJet leads the pack across three airline categories: Capacity Growth and Frequency Growth (both for short-haul LCC), and Most Improved Network. Jakarta Soekarno-Hatta is the Most Recovered airport, and Hong-Kong is the Fastest Growing. The list also recognizes key route performance in the past year, including Icheon - Tokyo Narita as the Most Competitive International City Pair.

“The global aviation market has fully recovered with ASPAC still lagging behind. Depending on global macroeconomics and the full recovery of the Chinese outbound market, the full recovery should occur end of 2024 or early 2025,” said Mayur Patel, head of the ASPAC Region at OAG. “With rising aircraft orders placed in the region, increasing disposable incomes, and a hunger for travel, ASPAC is poised to lead the industry in the next decade.”

For the complete list of OAG’s Asia-Pacific Aviation Network Champions, please visit www.oag.com/aviation-network-champions.

About OAG

OAG is the leading data platform for the global travel industry, powering the growth and innovation of the air travel ecosystem since 1929. It has the world’s largest network of flight information.

In July 2023, OAG acquired Infare, the leading provider of competitor air travel data, empowering airlines and other travel industry players to make effective pricing decisions since 2000. Together, OAG and Infare now form part of the most trusted data platform for aviation.

View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20240227089236/en/

Website: http://www.oag.com View Korean version of this release Contact Corporate Ink for OAG
Chrissy Azevedo
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