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Rolling Wireless Consolidates Sourcing into Luxembourg Head Office, Affirming Commitment to Operational Independence

· 등록일 Dec. 11, 2023 18:15

· 업데이트일 2023-12-11 19:21:57

LUXEMBOURG--(Business Wire / Korea Newswire)--Rolling Wireless, the world’s leading supplier of network access devices (NADs) to the automotive industry, today announced that it has consolidated its sourcing operations into Rolling Wireless SARL, its Luxembourg-based head office.

Effective as of November 1st, 2023, all sourcing and procurement operations are conducted from Rolling Wireless SARL. This includes purchasing of all components from global suppliers as well as final products from Rolling Wireless’ manufacturing partner (EMS).

The operational move pertains exclusively to procurement, and does not impact current supply and billing procedures for Rolling Wireless customers.

“Since its divestiture from Sierra Wireless in 2020, Rolling Wireless has been a standalone European company operating fully independently from its investors,” said Andreas Kohn, Chief Operating Officer of Rolling Wireless. “However, in a context of increasing geopolitical tension, it is important for us to emphasize the integrity of our supply chain. The consolidation of all sourcing operations into our Luxembourg head office is an affirmation of our commitment to operational autonomy and independence.”

In addition to its Luxembourg head office, Rolling Wireless has sales and support offices in France, Germany, Hong Kong, Japan, Korea, and the US, as well as R&D centres in China and Hungary.

Rolling Wireless’s medium-term outlook remains positive, with strong demand for both its 5G NADs and its Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) solutions. The company also registers strong customer interest in its agile software development services, bolstered by the expansion of its software hub in Budapest to more than 30 engineers.

About Rolling Wireless

Rolling Wireless is the world’s leading supplier of network access devices (NADs) to the automotive industry, with over 50 million automotive-grade cellular modules shipped to date.

Building on more than two decades of innovation and operational excellence, Rolling Wireless helps automotive OEMs and Tier 1 suppliers create applications that enhance safety, delight drivers, and generate additional revenue. The company’s unique open-source software platform enables customers to build Linux-based telematics control units (TCUs) on a single module.

Rolling Wireless was established as an independent company in 2020, with the divestiture of Sierra Wireless’ automotive business unit. Headquartered in Luxembourg, the company employs more than 250 automotive experts worldwide.

View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20231207230218/en/

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