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Everen Group Appoints Robert Foskey as President & CEO

· 등록일 Aug. 08, 2024 10:40

· 업데이트일 2024-08-09 00:00:36

HAMILTON, BERMUDA--(Business Wire / Korea Newswire)--The Everen Group, a group of leading energy insurance companies, is pleased to announce the appointment of Robert Foskey as the new President & Chief Executive Officer, effective August 5, 2024. Mr. Foskey brings a wealth of experience and a proven track record of success with the Everen Group and is set to lead the company into its next phase of growth and innovation.

Robert Foskey Appointed President & CEO of Everen Group (Photo: Business Wire) Over the past 17 years with the Everen Group, Mr. Foskey has demonstrated exceptional leadership and strategic vision, in his capacity as the Group Chief Actuary for 15 years and most recently as the Chief Operating Officer of Everen Limited. He has overseen key operational improvements and driven significant growth. Mr. Foskey has a deep understanding of the Group’s mission and values, making him the ideal choice for the role of CEO.

Mr. Foskey’s selection is the culmination of a robust, year-long leadership succession search process led by the Board. “We are extremely pleased to appoint Rob as Group CEO,” said John Weisner, Chair of the Board of Everen Limited. “His contributions as Chief Actuary and COO have been invaluable, and the Board is confident he will continue to propel the Everen Group forward with the same dedication and inspiration. The Board would also like to thank Bertil Olsson for his contributions to the Everen Group as CEO over the past nine years.”

John Talarico, Chair of the Board of Everen Specialty Ltd., added, “The Board unanimously agree that Rob is the ideal leader for the Everen Group. His in-depth knowledge of our operations and commitment to our organization will ensure a seamless transition and continued success.”

Commenting on his appointment, Mr. Foskey said, “I am honored and excited to take on the role of Group CEO. It has been a privilege to be a part of the Everen Group and to lead Everen Limited as COO. I want to thank the Board for its confidence as I step into this role. I look forward to working with our talented leadership team and employees as we continue to innovate and deliver consistent value to our shareholders and customers and advance the Group’s position as leaders in the global insurance industry. I am committed to fulfilling our mission and values and enhancing our culture through teamwork, collaboration and transparency.”

About Everen Group:

The Everen Group includes two distinct operating companies providing complementary products: Everen and Everen Specialty. Everen is the largest energy insurance mutual company in the world, operating for over 50 years and acting as a pure mutual owned by its member shareholders. Its underwriting is 100% supported by its own balance sheet with no third party capital and it offers up to $450 million of per occurrence limits. Everen Specialty is an industry owned commercial (re)insurer offering property and casualty insurance and reinsurance for members and non-members. Everen Specialty also have a subsidiary, OCIL Specialty, Ltd (OSL), writing U.S. surplus lines business through OSL Insurance Services (OISI), a managing general agent based in Houston, Texas.

For further information about the companies, please visit Everen.bm and EverenSpecialty.bm.

View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20240806098310/en/

Website: https://www.everen.bm/ Contact Everen Group
Karyn Peixoto
VP, Human Resources & Administration
[email protected]
This news is a press release provided by Everen Group. Korea Newswire follows these editorial guidelines. Everen Group News ReleasesSubscribeRSS 에버렌 그룹, 사장 겸 최고경영자에 로버트 포스키 임명 선도적인 에너지 보험사 그룹인 에버렌 그룹(Everen Group)은 2024년 8월 5일부로 로버트 포스키(Robert Foskey)를 신임 사장 겸 최고경영자(CEO)로 임명한다고 발표했다. 포스키는 에버렌 그룹에서의 풍부한 경험과 입증된 성공 실적을 통해 회사를 다음 성장과 혁신 단계로 이끌 예정이다. 지난 17년간 에버... 8월 8일 10:40 More News Finance Insurance Personnel Anouncement Overseas Everen Group All News Releases 
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