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Ilkari Launches Industry-First, Hyper Sovereign Technology Solutions

· 등록일 Aug. 07, 2024 16:50

· 업데이트일 2024-08-08 00:02:17

DUBLIN--(Business Wire / Korea Newswire)--Ilkari, the first truly sovereign technology company, today announced the launch of its industry-first, end-to-end data sovereignty solutions. These solutions empower businesses to build data sovereignty on their terms and have full control of their digital assets.

Built hyper-sovereign from the ground up, Ilkari was founded to future-proof enterprises’ data needs by empowering them with an end-to-end data sovereignty solution that allows them to know and control where their data resides, flows, and is accessed—even as data volumes increase.

Ilkari operates on a hyper-private scale and enables its current customers, who regularly appear in the top 300 most visited US websites, to process more than 120M+ daily transactions on average (the scale of global payment processors). Ilkari customers deploy more than 150 critical and diverse technologies in Ilkari’s highly flexible, colocation and sovereign cloud platform — from databases to middleware to hardware-based encryption.

“Controlling digital infrastructure is crucial for companies who want to achieve true data sovereignty over their technology,” said Ilkari CEO Shane Paterson. “Data is eating the world, much like software did in the past 15 years. We enable our customers to build data sovereignty on their terms with end-to-end sovereignty solutions that allow them to quickly, easily and efficiently expand their infrastructure as their enterprise grows.”

About Ilkari

Based in Dublin, Ireland, Ilkari gives businesses control over their digital assets, empowering enterprises to build data sovereignty on their terms with our industry-first, end-to-end sovereignty solutions. Our best-in-breed sovereign technology operates at a hyper-private scale. It delivers privacy and control for your data flow, ensuring our customers know where their data resides and how it is accessed at all times. Ilkari’s new privately owned data centre has a TIA-942 C Rated-3 certification, the first in Colombia. We provide colocation services within our purpose-built data centre, a sovereign cloud and top-level domain registration, creating a sovereign environment at the start of your digital sovereign journey. For more information, visit www.ilkari.tech.

View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20240806086794/en/

Website: https://ilkari.tech/en/ Contact MGP for Ilkari
Mindy Hull and Jennifer Kite-Powell
+1 415 889 9977 or +31 (0) 625 04 76 80
[email protected]
This news is a press release provided by Ilkari. Korea Newswire follows these editorial guidelines. Ilkari News ReleasesSubscribeRSS 일카리, 업계 최초의 하이퍼소버린 기술 솔루션 출시 최초의 진정한 소버린 기술(soverign technology) 기업인 일카리(Ilkari) 가 업계 최초의 엔드투엔드 데이터 주권 솔루션을 출시했다고 오늘 발표했다. 이러한 솔루션은 기업이 자체적으로 데이터 주권을 구축하고 디지털 자산을 완벽하게 제어할 수 있도록 지원한다. 처음부터 하이퍼소버린(hyper-sovereign)... 8월 7일 16:50 More News Technology Software New Product Overseas Ilkari All News Releases 
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