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Wasabi Technologies Appoints Managing Director for Australia and New Zealand to Support Growing Operations

· 등록일 Jul. 31, 2024 11:20

· 업데이트일 2024-08-01 00:02:45

BOSTON & SYDNEY--(Business Wire / Korea Newswire)--Wasabi Technologies, the hot cloud storage company, has appointed Andre Carpenter as the managing director of its Australia and New Zealand business as the company continues to rapidly expand in the region to accommodate the growing need for affordable, secure and high-performance cloud storage. Andre will lead Wasabi operations in ANZ, overseeing the company’s growing partner and customer footprint and help Wasabi expand its cloud storage offerings to more organizations on their digital transformation journeys.

“I am thrilled to join Wasabi Technologies and be a part of a team of passionate cloud storage experts in the ANZ region,” said Carpenter. “Customers are increasingly dealing with unprecedented storage growth in their environments and the unpredictable costs associated with this. Wasabi is best positioned to address these challenges. With Wasabi’s channel-first go-to-market strategy, we will work with partners to help customers leverage the power of Wasabi hot cloud storage to secure and store their data.”

Cloud storage adoption is growing in Australia, with 89% of Australian organizations expecting to increase the amount of data they store in the public cloud in 2024, according to the APAC Wasabi Cloud Storage Index. Wasabi hot cloud storage is being implemented across ANZ as organizations transition to the cloud with customers in sectors like higher education including Charles Darwin University and James Cook University, and local government services like Hauraki District Council.

Andre has more than 15 years of experience in IT sales, channel sales, and leadership roles throughout the Asia Pacific region. Most recently, Andre was the APAC director of cloud solutions at Crayon, a global technology and digital transformation service company. In addition, Andre has also held leadership roles across sales and consulting for global technology companies including Dell EMC, Hewlett Packard Enterprise, NetApp, Oracle and Veeam.

About Wasabi Technologies

Recognized as one of the technology industry’s fastest growing companies, Wasabi is on a mission to store the world's data by making cloud storage affordable, predictable and secure. With Wasabi, visionary companies gain the freedom to use their data whenever they like without being hit with unpredictable fees or vendor lock-in. Instead, they’re free to build best-of-breed solutions with the industry’s fastest-growing ecosystem of independent cloud application partners. Customers and partners all over the world trust Wasabi to help them put their data to work so they can unlock their full potential. Visit wasabi.com to learn more.

View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20240730783674/en/

Website: https://wasabi.com/ Contact Wasabi Technologies
P&L Corporate Communications
[email protected]
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