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Deepnote Acquires Hyperquery; Enabling Organizations to Democratize AI and Data Analytics

· 등록일 Jul. 30, 2024 15:35

· 업데이트일 2024-07-31 00:00:04

SAN FRANCISCO--(Business Wire / Korea Newswire)--Deepnote, the AI-powered data workspace, announced its acquisition of Hyperquery, a competitor in the data science and analytics space. This acquisition marks a significant step in Deepnote’s mission to become the centerpiece of data democratization.

Deepnote has redefined collaborative data analysis by building a data workspace that enables team members to share their work and receive feedback in real-time. This collaborative approach reduces time spent on back-and-forth communications and allows faster feedback loops, resulting in quicker delivery of data products.

Next to its powerful collaboration tools, Deepnote is celebrated for its delightful user experience. Deepnote ensures that both experienced data professionals and decision-makers can navigate the platform with ease. Its intuitive interface, seamless integration capabilities, and built-in collaboration features make it a favorite among users, enhancing productivity and satisfaction. Newly introduced AI assistants significantly accelerate the analysis workflow and enable advanced data analytics to more junior or even non-technical teams.

“We are witnessing a massive shift in the market with the rise of AI computing leading to the democratization of data analysis, and ultimately the creation of a new kind of a user interface — a data notebook,” said Jakub Jurovych, Co-Founder & CEO of Deepnote. “A similar radical shift happened once before when the rise of personal computing in the 1980s led to the creation of a new kind of user interface — a spreadsheet. We see notebooks are becoming the natural successor to spreadsheets thanks to their versatility, natural integration with AI agents, and ability to create advanced data apps and models that would be impossible to build in Excel. Since starting Deepnote, we have been the leading AI-native data notebook and we are here to win this category. That’s why we are buying our closest competitor — Hyperquery.”

Deepnote, backed by Index Ventures, Accel, Y Combinator, and Credo Ventures, has experienced rapid growth, achieving a 3x increase in revenue over the past year. The platform is trusted by leading companies such as Ramp, Motive, SoundCloud, Gusto, and Webflow, showcasing its capability to meet the diverse needs of top-tier organizations. The Hyperquery clients, including Docplanner, Output, and Zeeto, will be seamlessly migrated to Deepnote’s platform.

View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20240729061332/en/

Website: https://deepnote.com/ Contact Deepnote
CEO / Founder
Jakub Jurovych
[email protected]
This news is a press release provided by Deepnote. Korea Newswire follows these editorial guidelines. Deepnote News ReleasesSubscribeRSS 딥노트, 하이퍼쿼리 인수로 조직들의 AI 및 데이터 분석 민주화 지원 AI 기반 데이터 워크스페이스인 딥노트(Deepnote) 가 데이터 과학 및 분석 분야의 경쟁사인 하이퍼쿼리(Hyperquery)를 인수했다고 발표했다. 이번 인수로 딥노트는 데이터 민주화의 중심이 되고자 하는 사명에서 중요한 한 걸음을 내디디게 됐다. 딥노트는 팀원들이 작업을 공유하고 실시간으로 피드백을 받을... 7월 30일 15:35 More News Technology Data Analysis Artificial Intelligence Mergers & Acquisitions Overseas Deepnote All News Releases 
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