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People, Passion, Planet: Mary Kay Releases 2024 Sustainability Report

· 등록일 Jul. 24, 2024 17:35

· 업데이트일 2024-07-25 00:00:27

DALLAS--(Business Wire / Korea Newswire)--Mary Kay Inc., a global leader in corporate sustainability and advocacy, today released its 2024 Sustainability Report. The report—which is organized by environmental, social, and economic impact—underscores the company’s commitment to creating and nurturing a business model that enriches women’s lives and supports communities while protecting our planet.

Mary Kay’s 2024 Sustainability report, released in July, is organized by environmental, social, and economic impact. It underscores the company’s commitment to creating and nurturing a business model that enriches women’s lives and supports communities while protecting our planet. (Photo credit: Mary Kay). “Sustainability has deep roots in the Mary Kay story,” said Deborah Gibbins, Chief Operating Officer at Mary Kay Inc. “We like to say we did it before it was ‘cool.’ Our iconic founder, Mary Kay Ash, was passionate about not only changing the world, but protecting it. I’m proud of the work we’ve accomplished this year—and every year—in realizing her dream. I think she would be proud, too.”

In a world that is rapidly evolving, Mary Kay stands at the forefront of change, championing the cause of women while recognizing the immense power they hold in shaping our global economy and driving meaningful change.

The 2024 report highlights Mary Kay’s promise to make decisions that are right for our planet and its people:

Environmental Sustainability

· Water Stewardship: Partnering with The Nature Conservancy for over 36 years, Mary Kay supports the “Super Reefs” initiative to protect resilient coral reefs.
· Resource Conservation: Through a 16-year partnership with the Arbor Day Foundation, Mary Kay has supported the planting of over 1.4 million trees in reforestation projects across nine countries.
· Sustainable Sourcing: Joining the Global Shea Alliance, Mary Kay promotes economic well-being for the 16 million women Shea collectors in West Africa.

Social Sustainability

· Pink Changing Lives: Through this program, funded by designated product sales, Mary Kay has donated over $18 million to initiatives enriching women's lives worldwide since 2008.
· Women’s Empowerment: On International Women’s Day, Mary Kay joined the Women’s Empowerment Principles (WEPs), a set of Principles offering guidance to businesses on how to advance gender equality and women’s empowerment in the workplace, marketplace, and community. More than 600,000 women have benefitted from the trainings, events, and programs offered by the Women’s Entrepreneurship Accelerator, launched by Mary Kay in partnership with six United Nations agencies in 2019.
· Fostering Women in STEM: Committed to the development of the next generation of women STEM leaders, Mary Kay has awarded 29 grants totaling nearly $195,000 since 2020.

Economic Sustainability

· Celebrating 60 years: Mary Kay Ash’s vision of enriching women’s lives continues. Mary Kay, still family-owned and -led, has blossomed into a global brand with nearly 4,000 employees and millions of Mary Kay Independent Beauty Consultants in more than 35 markets. For more than 60 years, Mary Kay has provided an unparalleled entrepreneurship opportunity for women around the world. The company was named the #1 Direct Selling brand of Skin Care and Color Cosmetics in the World by Euromonitor International[1].
· Digital Innovation: Mary Kay enhances the capabilities of Independent Beauty Consultants through digital tools, including augmented reality apps and the Interactive Catalog, allowing them to excel in their businesses and realize their dreams.
· Advocacy for Gender Equality in AI: Partnering with the Equal Rights Trust, Mary Kay pioneered research to eliminate gender bias in AI technologies.

For further insights into Mary Kay’s global sustainability strategy, engagement, and impact, view the full report here.

About Mary Kay

Then. Now. Always. One of the original glass ceiling breakers, Mary Kay Ash founded her dream beauty brand in Texas in 1963 with one goal: to enrich women’s lives. That dream has blossomed into a global company with millions of independent sales force members in more than 35 countries. For 60 years, the Mary Kay opportunity has empowered women to define their own futures through education, mentorship, advocacy, and innovation. Mary Kay is dedicated to investing in the science behind beauty and manufacturing cutting-edge skincare, color cosmetics, nutritional supplements, and fragrances. Mary Kay believes in preserving our planet for future generations, protecting women impacted by cancer and domestic abuse, and encouraging youth to follow their dreams. Learn more at marykayglobal.com, find us on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn, or follow us on X (formerly known as Twitter).

[1] “Source Euromonitor International Limited; Beauty and Personal Care 2023 Edition, value sales at RSP, 2022 data.”

View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20240723781468/en/

Website: https://www.marykay.com Contact Mary Kay Inc.
Corporate Communications
[email protected]
This news is a press release provided by Mary Kay Inc.. Korea Newswire follows these editorial guidelines. Mary Kay Inc. News ReleasesSubscribeRSS 사람, 열정, 지구: 메리케이, 2024년 지속 가능성 보고서 발표 기업 지속 가능성 및 옹호 분야의 글로벌 리더인 메리케이(Mary Kay Inc.) 가 2024년 지속 가능성 보고서(its 2024 Sustainability Report)를 발표했다. 환경, 사회, 경제적 영향별로 구성된 이 보고서는 여성의 삶을 풍요롭게 하고 지역사회를 지원하는 동시에 지구를 보호하는 비즈니스 모델을 만들고 육성... 7월 24일 17:35 Mary Kay Inc. Presents New Findings on Skin Care Advances and the Use of Computational Tools in Identifying Skin Sensitivity Mary Kay Inc. , a global leader in skin care innovation, recently revealed the results of two breakthrough research studies: first, an antioxidant treatment that can diminish the visible effects of pollution and aging on human skin; and second, a focus on the applications of computation... 6월 21일 12:00 ... More  More News Economy ESG Life Style Cosmetics Survey & Analysis Overseas Mary Kay Inc. All News Releases 
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