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Belkin Celebrates Milestone of One Million Kids Headphones Sold

· 등록일 Jun. 28, 2024 16:35

· 업데이트일 2024-06-29 00:00:48

LOS ANGELES--(Business Wire / Korea Newswire)--Belkin, a leading consumer electronics brand for 40 years, today announced a significant milestone: selling one million units of kids‘ headphones globally. Belkin’s diverse range of styles and colors, along with its commitment to quality, has solidified its position as a leader in kids’ audio products.

Belkin’s SoundForm Line has a wide selection for kids, combining style, safety and comfort (Photo: Business Wire) Over the past several years, Belkin has made significant strides in creating high-quality audio products at its global headquarters in El Segundo, California. Utilizing expertise from seasoned acoustic engineers, Belkin has developed its signature SoundForm line, combining tasteful design and great sound for all preferences.

All Belkin audio products undergo meticulous testing to ensure top-notch quality, design, and functionality. For kids' headphones, safe volume limits guarantee a safe listening experience in both wired and wireless options. To add fun and personality, the SoundForm Mini on-ear headphones include stickers for kids to further personalize their headphones based on their unique style.

“I’m thrilled to see the growth of our kids' audio line. We’re incredibly proud of the products we’ve created, which provide fun and entertaining experiences for kids and parents,” said Steve Malony, CEO of Belkin International. “We take immense pride in designing products that are perfect for everyday use. We never cut corners with any of our products, and we always want to make sure that parents can trust Belkin to deliver quality products that are safe for their kids to use.”

Signature Sound Safety and Quality

Belkin Signature Sound is all about balance - deep bass, crystal clear vocals and crisp treble. Precision engineered to reproduce a rich, immersive home theatre sound with excellent frequency response, listeners can keep the volume at a safe level without missing a beat. With safety being a core value in all Belkin products, Belkin Signature Sound helps keep the sound clear, even at the lowest of volumes.

As part of its audio-testing process, Belkin uses special microphones to test all headphones, ensuring accurate sound measurements. Belkin follows industry standards and uses a specific test signal for consistency, along with a Bluetooth transmitter to ensure reliable test results. Instead of relying solely on its own lab results, the company confirms its findings with results from two additional independent labs. This process guarantees that Belkin headphone volume levels are accurate and safe for everyone.

Favorite Belkin Kids Audio Products:

· SoundForm Mini Wired On-Ear Headphones for Kids: Premium quality headphones designed for kids, perfect for distance learning, travel, and streaming online content. These headphones feature an 85 dB volume cap, easy-to-use controls, and a durable “oops-proof” design.
· SoundForm Mini Wireless On-Ear Headphones for Kids: Ideal for distance learning, long car rides, and entertainment, these wireless headphones come with an 85 dB volume cap to protect young ears and extended battery life for all-day listening.
· SoundForm Nano 2 Wireless Earbuds for Kids: These earbuds bring true wireless to young listeners. Kids 7 years and older can enjoy all-day comfort with five sizes of antimicrobial ear tips with a sealed fit. Ready for plenty of songs, videos and lesson plays, Nano 2 offers 8 hours of playtime and another 20 hours of charge in the case.

· SoundForm Inspire Wireless Over-Ear Headset for Kids: These comfortable, high-quality wireless headset is designed especially for kids. Fast USB-C charging brings up to 35 hours of playtime on a full charge. Safe Sound technology limits volume to 85dB while distance learning, traveling, or streaming online videos.


· The SoundForm Mini Wired On-Ear Headphones for Kids are available on Belkin.com, Amazon, and other certified retailers for $24.99 USD.
· The SoundForm Mini Wireless On-Ear Headphones for Kids are available on Belkin.com, Amazon, and other certified retailers for $34.99 USD.
· The SoundForm Nano 2 Wireless Earbuds for Kids are available on Belkin.com and other certified retailers for $34.99 USD.
· The SoundForm Inspire Wireless Over-Ear Headset for Kids are available on Belkin.com, Amazon and other certified retailers for $39.99 USD.

For more information on Belkin Kids Headphones, please visit the website.

About Belkin

Belkin is a California-based accessories leader delivering award-winning power, protection, productivity, connectivity, and audio products over the last 40 years. Designed and engineered in Southern California and sold in more than 100 countries around the world, Belkin has maintained its steadfast focus on research and development, community, education, sustainability and most importantly, the people it serves. From our humble beginnings in a Southern California garage in 1983, Belkin has become a diverse, global technology company. We remain forever inspired by the planet we live on, and the connection between people and technology.

View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20240627590739/en/

Website: https://www.belkin.com/us/ Contact Belkin
Jen Wei
VP of Global Communications and Corporate Development
[email protected]
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