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Brightcove to Power FrightPix, a New Streaming Destination for Horror, Thriller and True Crime Fans

· 등록일 Jun. 14, 2024 14:30

· 업데이트일 2024-06-15 00:00:15

BOSTON--(Business Wire / Korea Newswire)--Brightcove (NASDAQ: BCOV), the world’s most trusted streaming technology company, today announced it is welcoming FrightPix - the new, free, ad-supported video-on-demand service (AVOD) for all things horror, thriller, and true crime - to its roster of media customers. Launching June 15, 2024, FrightPix will rely on Brightcove’s award-winning platform to distribute its content to audiences across the U.S., delivering an unparalleled viewer experience through its advanced streaming technology.

FrightPix will blend classic scares, modern thrillers, true crime tales, and FrightPix Originals into a convenient and free service for fans. By leveraging Brightcove’s reliable and scalable video technology, FrightPix will provide a seamless, curated, high-quality viewing experience across any device for its audience.

“As the streaming market evolves, viewers are demonstrating a clear desire for more tailored experiences. At Brightcove, we deeply believe regional, targeted-audience and genre-focused streaming services have enormous opportunities to be successful by delivering unique viewing experiences serving their specific audience’s needs,” said Marc DeBevoise, CEO of Brightcove. “We are committed to transforming the way consumers experience content, and as the backbone technology for FrightPix, we’re supporting them in taking the lead in delivering horror fans an incredible entertainment experience and destination.”

As the demand for specialized content platforms surges, independent media companies require experienced partners that can successfully operate their tech stacks cost-effectively without impacting the user experience. In evaluating reliability and innovation, FrightPix chose Brightcove’s video-cloud streaming platform for its industry-leading advantages, including unparalleled video quality, global scalability, unmatched customer support, and robust analytics designed to understand viewer preferences and behavior and create actionable insights to optimize content and advertising strategies for maximum monetization.

“As we launch this month, partnering with Brightcove will allow FrightPix to become the premier streaming destination for horror, thriller, and true crime enthusiasts,” said Eric Tomosunas, CEO of FrightPix. “With Brightcove’s industry-leading streaming technology, our ‘FrightFans’ will have the opportunity to enjoy the most spine-tingling movies and series with exceptional reliability and quality. This collaboration is a pivotal step in our platform's ability to deliver top-tier genre entertainment for free, and we are grateful to be part of the Brightcove family.”

FrightPix joins a roster of media companies that rely on Brightcove to power their streaming capabilities, including The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, Acun Medya, AMC Networks, BBC Studios, Canela Media, J.COM, MotoAmerica, REELZ, SBT TV, and SKY Mexico.

For more information, visit Brightcove.com.

About FrightPix
FrightPix, launching June 15, 2024, is the only streaming destination for all things horror, thriller, and true crime for free. FrightFans get to feast upon the most spine-tingling movies and series ever amassed in one streaming platform and FrightPix is available to download on Apple TV, Amazon Fire TV, Roku TV as well as iOS and Android devices. You can also stream and find more information at www.frightpix.com.

About Brightcove Inc.

Brightcove creates the world’s most reliable, scalable, and secure streaming technology solutions to build a greater connection between companies and their audiences, no matter where they are or on which devices they consume content. In more than 60 countries, Brightcove’s intelligent video platform enables businesses to sell to customers more effectively, media leaders to stream and monetize content more reliably, and every organization to communicate with team members more powerfully. With two Technology and Engineering Emmy® Awards for innovation, uptime that consistently leads the industry, and unmatched scalability, we continuously push the boundaries of what video can do. Follow Brightcove on LinkedIn, X, Facebook, Instagram, Threads, and YouTube. Visit Brightcove.com.

View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20240613707832/en/

Website: http://www.brightcove.com View Korean version of this release Contact Brightcove
Joseph J. Nuñez, Director of Communications & Public Relations
[email protected]

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This news is a press release provided by Brightcove Inc.. Korea Newswire follows these editorial guidelines. Brightcove Inc. News ReleasesSubscribeRSS 브라이트코브, 호러·스릴러·트루크라임 팬들을 위한 새로운 스트리밍 서비스 ‘프라이트픽스’ 지원 세계에서 가장 신뢰받는 스트리밍 기술 업체인 브라이트코브(Brightcove) (NASDAQ: BCOV)는 호러, 스릴러, 트루크라임을 전문으로 다루는 새로운 무료 광고 기반 주문형 비디오(AVOD) 서비스인 프라이트픽스(FrightPix) 가 새로운 미디어 고객이 됐다고 오늘 발표했다. 2024년 6월 15일에 출범하는 프라이트픽... 6월 14일 14:30 Brightcove Powers Japan’s Newest Streaming Service, J:COM’s “Animal Watch” Brightcove (NASDAQ: BCOV), the world’s most trusted streaming technology company, announced today that it is welcoming JCOM Co., Ltd. (J:COM), Japan’s largest cable TV company, as a new customer. As the streaming technology partner for J:COM, Brightcove is powering the media company’s n... 6월 11일 10:05 ... More  More News Technology Software Sales Promotion Overseas Brightcove Inc. All News Releases 
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