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Hong Kong Tourism Board and Art Basel Announce Three-Year Global Partnership

· 등록일 Jun. 12, 2024 16:59

· 업데이트일 2024-06-13 00:00:08

HONG KONG--(Business Wire / Korea Newswire)--The Hong Kong Tourism Board (HKTB) and Art Basel are delighted to announce a new three-year global partnership. The HKTB is the first tourism organisation to enter into a global strategic partnership with Art Basel. Announced during the press conference of Art Basel in Basel, the collaboration will extend beyond Hong Kong to all Art Basel shows worldwide, beginning with Art Basel Paris this October.

Mr Dane Cheng, HKTB Executive Director, and Mr Noah Horowitz, CEO, Art Basel, announced a new global partnership between Art Basel and HKTB during the press conference of Art Basel in Basel held on 11 June 2024 (Photo: Hong Kong Tourism Board) Interactive “Cha Chaan Teng” experience at Art Basel Hong Kong in March (Photo: Hong Kong Tourism Board) Interactive “Cha Chaan Teng” experience at Art Basel Hong Kong in March (Photo: Hong K As part of this exciting alliance, HKTB will serve as a Show Partner of Art Basel and celebrate Hong Kong art and culture on the world stage. Over the next three years, HKTB will be present in four annual shows, including Art Basel in Paris, Miami Beach, Hong Kong, and Basel, with different thematic experiences or activations.

Mr Dane Cheng, HKTB Executive Director, said: “Our strategic alliance with Art Basel underscores our commitment to promoting Hong Kong as the East-meets-West centre for international cultural exchange, and a valuable gateway to the Chinese art market. By sharing the city’s unique character through immersive experiences and exhibitions at the world’s most prestigious art platform, we hope to inspire travellers to visit our city and discover its thriving creative community and rich cultural experiences.”

Noah Horowitz, Art Basel CEO, said: “We are thrilled to build on our longstanding collaboration with Hong Kong Tourism Board and launch this ambitious initiative. By shining a global spotlight on Hong Kong’s vibrant art scene, this partnership will enhance the experience for our fair visitors while unlocking new opportunities and fostering deeper connections between Hong Kong and art communities around the world.”

Debuting in Hong Kong in 2013, Art Basel has collaborated with HKTB on several successful projects together since 2020. This March, the tourism board joined hands with the fair to present a local “Cha Chaan Teng” experience that aimed to highlight the vibrant living culture of Hong Kong. Inside a colourful, purpose-built cha chaan teng (Hong Kong-style café), visitors enjoyed local delicacies, such as the city’s iconic pineapple buns and milk tea, while experiencing Hong Kong’s East-meets-West heritage firsthand.

The organisations’ three-year partnership will kick off with Art Basel Paris, taking place at the Grand Palais in the French capital from 18-20 October 2024.

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View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20240611223674/en/

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