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Seibu Ikebukuro Main Store Slated for Summer 2025 Grand Re-opening as a New Department Store

· 등록일 Jun. 12, 2024 15:35

· 업데이트일 2024-06-13 00:00:48

TOKYO--(Business Wire / Korea Newswire)--Sogo & Seibu Co., Ltd. which has a long successful history of innovative and creative thinking, will renew its business strategy under its new shareholder and commence full-scale renovation work on the Seibu Ikebukuro Main Store. The store will reopen in stages starting in January 2025, with a grand re-opening planned for the summer of the same year.

Front entrance after renovation (Graphic: Business Wire) Seibu Ikebukuro Main Store Architectural Design Concept (Graphic: Business Wire) Seibu Ikebukuro Main Store, always at the forefront of the times, aims to provide customers with encounters of high quality and a special sense of excitement by undergoing a full renovation of the building for the first time. With the theme of “INCLUSION”, the store will feature larger stores with both “women” and “men” categories in the same stores catering to modern tastes for enjoyment and shopping. Moving away from the traditional department store which was very segregated by different floors for Men and Women, Seibu Ikebukuro will welcome all customers visiting Ikebukuro in unifying spaces where friends, couples, and families can shop and enjoy time together. With a variety of world-class brand shops and a high-quality interior and exterior design, the store will create a new face for the Ikebukuro area.

The entire Seibu Ikebukuro Main Store itself and each floor will be designed with the architectural concept of “Maison” (“House” in French) to create spaces that embody three elements befitting high quality: “class”, “sophistication”, and “art”. The centerpieces will focus on luxury, cosmetics, and basement deli section, and the fashion areas will feature sales floors that remove the traditional gender concepts of “women” and “men”.

Merchandising will be strengthened, focusing on luxury, cosmetics, and the basement deli section, areas that have been mostly supported by customers in recent years. The “Luxury” section will bring together about 60 of the world‘s top brands and will be presented in mixed men’s and women's shops (with sales floor area 1.3 times larger than the current size). The “Cosmetics” section will offer about 60 domestic and international brands, including unisex brands that customers can shop for with their partners (with sales floor area 1.7 times larger than the current size). The basement deli section, which is considered to be the face of a department store, will aggregate Seibu Ikebukuro Main Store’s power content and is scheduled to feature about 180 shops including new brands. Sogo & Seibu will also strengthen its private sales service for valued customers which is one of its strengths.

As a commercial facility that supports Ikebukuro, the 3rd largest terminal station in the world and one of the world's top-class premium market, Seibu Ikebukuro will enhance its grade to provide maximum customer satisfaction in both scale and content. It will serve as the gateway to Toshima Ward, which continues to evolve as an international city of art and culture.

As lifestyles diversify, department stores are entering an era where they are required to evolve. We hope you will look forward to the new Seibu Ikebukuro Main Store, which will provide new value tailored to customer needs while retaining the excellent services of traditional department stores.


· Scheduled target opening: In stages beginning in January 2025
· Floor space: Approximately 48,000 ㎡
· Number of shops: Approximately 380 scheduled

Upcoming schedule

· B1, B2, 3F (Basement deli section and cosmetics): Target January 2025
· 1F, 2F, 4F, 5F, 6F (Fragrances, jewelry, watches, and luxury items): Spring 2025
· 7F, 8F (Fashion, miscellaneous goods, event space, ant art salon): Summer to Autumn 2025

View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20240610208198/en/

Website: https://www.sogo-seibu.jp.e.ld.hp.transe... View Korean version of this release Contact Sogo & Seibu Co., Ltd.
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This news is a press release provided by Sogo & Seibu Co., Ltd.. Korea Newswire follows these editorial guidelines. Sogo & Seibu Co., Ltd. News ReleasesSubscribeRSS 세이부 이케부쿠로 본점, 2025년 여름 새로운 백화점으로 그랜드 리오픈 예정 혁신적이고 창의적인 사고로 오랫동안 성공적인 역사를 가지고 있는 소고 세이부(Sogo & Seibu Co., Ltd.)가 새로운 주주 아래 사업 전략을 갱신하고 세이부 이케부쿠로 본점에 대한 전면적인 리노베이션 작업을 시작한다. 이 매장은 2025년 여름에 계획된 그랜드 재개장 계획과 함께 2025년 1월부터 단계적으... 6월 12일 15:35 More News Life Style Retail Clothing & Accessories Establishment Overseas Sogo & Seibu Co.,... All News Releases 
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