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ATMECS Global Accelerates AI Innovation by Joining the NVIDIA Partner Network as Solution Advisor Consultant.

· 등록일 May. 07, 2024 15:05

· 업데이트일 2024-05-08 00:01:44

SAN JOSE, CALIF--(Business Wire / Korea Newswire)--ATMECS Global, renowned for its prowess in digital transformation and engineering solutions, proudly announces that it has joined the NVIDIA Partner Network as a Solution Advisor Consultant. The milestone marks a pivotal step in ATMECS’s journey to redefine the AI and ML landscape, amplifying its commitment to innovation and excellence in delivering next-generation AI solutions.

Lori Banas-Chief AI/ML Officer (Photo: Business Wire) ATMECS will support customers in building and deploying a broad range of NVIDIA-powered solutions — including through the use of the NVIDIA Omniverse development platform for industrial digital twins, generative AI with NVIDIA NIM inference microservices and the NVIDIA AI Enterprise platform for cloud and on-premises deployments, as well as the NVIDIA Jetson platform for accelerated edge AI and robotics.

Lori Banas, Chief AI/ML Officer at ATMECS, shared her excitement about this announcement, stating, “We are thrilled to collaborate with NVIDIA, which reflects our dedication to harnessing the transformative power of AI and ML. We aim to unlock new possibilities and deliver cutting-edge AI solutions that drive business transformation and create a competitive edge for our clients.”

The collaboration with NVIDIA equips ATMECS with access to subject-matter experts and an extensive array of AI and ML technologies, including state-of-the-art GPUs, high-speed networking, and comprehensive software platforms. This portfolio of NVIDIA tools and expertise empowers ATMECS to architect and implement advanced AI-powered solutions that cater to a broad spectrum of use cases across industries, ranging from media and entertainment to healthcare, finance, retail, and manufacturing.

“With NVIDIA, we are not just embracing the future of AI; we are actively shaping it, crafting unparalleled value for our clients and industries globally,” stated Ravi Velagapudi, ATMECS’s Founder and President.

With AI, ATMECS’s clients can transform how they operate and innovate, providing an unprecedented edge in the competitive AI marketplace. By integrating cutting-edge NVIDIA technologies and ATMECS's wide expertise in AI and digital transformation, the collaboration is poised to deliver solutions that not only advance business processes but also create substantial value for clients.

ATMECS’s CEO, Gayathri Malolan, said, “This collaboration with NVIDIA not only enhances our value proposition but also serves as a catalyst for nurturing and expanding our talent pool, aligning with our vision for growth.”

This announcement showcases ATMECS's resolve to drive business transformation and deliver exceptional value through AI, setting new industry standards and driving a wave of technological excellence and innovation that benefits its clients and their broader industries.

For more details on ATMECS’s services and AI initiatives, please visit www.atmecs.com.

View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20240506918366/en/

Website: https://atmecs.com/ View Korean version of this release Contact ATMECS Global
Chief AI/ML Officer
Lori Banas
[email protected]
[email protected]
This news is a press release provided by ATMECS Global. Korea Newswire follows these editorial guidelines. ATMECS Global News ReleasesSubscribeRSS ATMECS 글로벌, 엔비디아 파트너 네트워크에 솔루션 어드바이저 컨설턴트로 합류해 AI 혁신 가속 디지털 트랜스포메이션 및 엔지니어링 솔루션 역량으로 유명한 ATMECS 글로벌(ATMECS Global)이 엔비디아 파트너 네트워크(NVIDIA Partner Network)에 솔루션 어드바이저 컨설턴트(Solution Advisor Consultant)로 합류했다고 발표했다. 이번 이정표는 AI 및 ML 환경을 재정의하여 차세대 AI 솔루션을 제공하... 5월 7일 15:05 More News Technology Data Analysis Artificial Intelligence Alliance Overseas ATMECS Global All News Releases 
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