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Black Hat Asia 2024 Showcases Latest Cybersecurity Findings at Singapore Event

· 등록일 May. 06, 2024 14:40

· 업데이트일 2024-05-07 00:00:25

SINGAPORE--(Business Wire / Korea Newswire)--Black Hat, the cybersecurity industry’s most established and in-depth security event series, today announced the successful completion of the in-person component of Black Hat Asia 2024. The event welcomed more than 3,000 unique attendees joining in-person from April 16 to April 19 at the Marina Bay Sands Expo & Convention Centre in Singapore.

Security professionals from 81 countries registered to attend the event and experience firsthand the latest in vulnerability research, development, and trends in information security (InfoSec) through more than 40 Briefings. The program also included four days of deeply technical hands-on Trainings, over 25 Sponsored Sessions, and 60 in-person tool demos spanning exploitation and ethical hacking, artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), application security (AppSec), Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS), Internet of Things (IoT), and more.

“Singapore and the wider region have a very strong cybersecurity community and Black Hat is honored to be a part of it,” said Steve Wylie, Vice President, Cybersecurity Market Group at Informa Tech. “We are grateful to our community, partners, and sponsors in coming together with a shared goal to protect the vital public and private-sector industries in the region.”

Show highlights for 2024 included:

· Keynotes: The two Keynotes this year included David Koh, Singapore’s first Commissioner of Cybersecurity, the founding Chief Executive of the Cyber Security Agency (CSA) of Singapore, and Chief (Digital Security & Technology) at the Ministry of Communications and Information; and Ruimin He, Singapore’s Chief Artificial Intelligence (AI) Officer, the Singaporean government’s Deputy Chief Digital Technology Officer, and a member of the United Nations High-level Advisory Body on AI. He presented with Jeff Moss, Founder of Black Hat and DEF CON conferences, former Chief Security Officer and VP at ICANN, and current member of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security Advisory Council.
· Briefings: Black Hat Briefings took place on April 18 and April 19, and presented the latest in information security risks, research, and trends on topics covering everything from enterprise security, exploit development, reverse engineering, and more.
· Trainings: Black Hat Trainings were held from April 16 to April 19, and included two- and four-day, deeply technical, hands-on courses led by the information security industry’s top trainers and professionals. Courses covered a variety of topics, including pentesting, network technology, open source intelligence (OSINT), and more. This year’s event featured 10 in-person classes and 8 virtual classes.
· Business Hall: This year’s Business Hall showcased the latest products and technologies from more than 30 of the industry’s leading information security solution providers. The Business Hall also featured areas for attendee, vendor, and community engagement through Arsenal, Sponsored Sessions, Exhibitor Booths, Bricks & Picks, and more.
· Arsenal: Black Hat Arsenal brings together researchers and the cybersecurity community to showcase and demonstrate their latest open-source tools and products in a conversational environment where presenters can interact with the attendees. A key component of Arsenal, the Arsenal Lab, is now featured at all regional events, and is an interactive, hands-on environment designed for hacking enthusiasts of all skill levels to learn about specialized tools and targets that may be difficult to access otherwise. This year’s event featured 60 in-person tool demos and six labs.
· Omdia Analyst Summit: The second annual Omdia Analyst Summit at Black Hat Asia featured the industry’s leading cybersecurity analysts and provided attendees with actionable insights, innovative approaches, and a comprehensive understanding of the factors that influence cybersecurity outcomes for organizations within the Asia-Pacific region.
· Community Program: The Community Program included sessions that encouraged collaboration among attendees and presenters through discussions of current issues impacting the cybersecurity community. Topics covered inclusion, mental health, a Call for Papers (CFP) writing workshop, and more.
· Scholarships: As a way to introduce the next generation of security professionals to the Black Hat community, Black Hat Asia 2024 awarded 83 complimentary Briefings passes. Black Hat holds its own annual Student Scholarship programs, and partners with a variety of associations on additional scholarship opportunities.
· Network Operations Center (NOC): The Black Hat Network Operations Center (NOC) provided a high security, high availability network in an intensely demanding environment. Each year, the hand-selected NOC team meets before Black Hat Asia to incorporate the latest infrastructure and security solutions into a workable network design. Black Hat attendees may then visit the NOC for a glimpse into this state-of-the-art network.

Top Sponsors and Partners of Black Hat Asia 2024 include:

· Diamond Sponsors: Pentera.io, Appdome, and Upwind Security.
· Platinum Sponsors: KnowBe4 and Snyk.
· Sustaining Partners: Armis, Axonius, CrowdStrike, KnowBe4, ManageEngine, Qualys, SentinelOne, Snyk, Sophos, Sysdig, and Trend Micro.
· Global Partners: Corellium, Hack The Box, HackerOne, KnowBe4, Snyk, Swimlane, Sysdig, and Varonis.

For more information on Black Hat events, please visit www.blackhat.com.

About Black Hat

Black Hat is the cybersecurity industry’s most established and in-depth security event series. Founded in 1997, these annual, multi-day events provide attendees with the latest in cybersecurity research, development, and trends. Driven by the needs of the community, Black Hat events showcase content directly from the community through Briefings presentations, Trainings courses, Summits, and more. As the event series where all career levels and academic disciplines convene to collaborate, network, and discuss the cybersecurity topics that matter most to them, attendees can find Black Hat events in the United States, Canada, Europe, Middle East and Africa, and Asia. For more information, please visit www.blackhat.com.

View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20240430857994/en/

Website: http://blackhat.com View Korean version of this release Contact Black Hat
Stephanie DeAngelo
PR & Communications Manager
[email protected]
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