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MOGAS Mourns the Death of Their Beloved Chairman and Founder Vincent Louis Mogas

· 등록일 May. 06, 2024 14:10

· 업데이트일 2024-05-07 00:00:25

HOUSTON--(Business Wire / Korea Newswire)--MOGAS mourns the death of their beloved chairman and founder Vincent Louis Mogas, who died on May 2, 2024 in Houston, Texas. Louis spent his life building a valve manufacturing business and a company culture that stood for goodness.

V. Louis Mogas, Founder and Chairman of MOGAS Industries (1939 - 2024) (Photo: MOGAS Industries Inc.) Louis and Marilyn Mogas (Photo: MOGAS Industries Inc.) MOGAS Industries was formed in May 1973 when Louis Mogas purchased a small machine shop in Houston. He soon acquired the rights to service and manufacture ball valves from Cameron Iron Works. Under Louis' leadership, the Company studied valve failures and established an R&D department that customized valves for specific applications. Since 2000, MOGAS has established sales and service offices in Australia, China, Europe, Canada, South America, Middle East and India.

Early on, Louis Mogas introduced business behaviors that became the foundation of the Company‘s core values--everyone is the CEO of something, make work fun, do what’s right--to name a few. His belief that work can be fun and honorable, and that there is one team at MOGAS drive the Company's business principles today.

While Louis received many Company awards, including The Inc. 500 Fastest Growing Private Companies, multiple Best Companies to Work For in Texas, vendor excellence, Texas Family Large Business of the Year Finalist, and Best Quality Product, he was most proud of his and his family's philanthropy, and of employee fund raising and volunteerism contributions. These include Ronald McDonald House Houston, The Periwinkle Foundation, Camp for All, National Multiple Sclerosis Association, and several Houston district schools. In 2017 Louis Mogas was honored as a distinguished alumni at Texas A&M University, Kingsville for the creation of the Mogas Family Perseverance Scholarship Endowment. MOGAS Industries also awards scholarships and educational grants to employees and their children, and mentors summer hire interns.

The family of Louis Mogas, the MOGAS Executive Leadership Team and our employees worldwide are mourning the loss of a tremendous man whose leadership was only matched by his passion and fervor for life and serving others. We all carry the lessons that Louis shared with us in our hearts and we will continue to share his legacy to the world through our work and in our lives.

“Always live out your values in your work, so that when you drive home at the end of each day, you can feel proud of yourself.” Louis Mogas


MOGAS Industries is the most trusted severe service technology company offering severe service valves, surface engineering/coating, modular process units, and aftermarket support. Our world-renowned, application-specific products and service are best-in-class for critical applications in power, mining, oil & gas, refining, chemical/petrochemical, pulp & paper and specialty industries.

View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20240503919754/en/

Website: https://www.mogas.com/en-us View Korean version of this release Contact MOGAS Industries, Inc.
[email protected]
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