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Dubai Launches Global Blueprint for Artificial Intelligence

· 등록일 May. 03, 2024 14:20

· 업데이트일 2024-05-04 00:02:50

DUBAI, UNITED ARAB EMIRATES--(Business Wire / Korea Newswire)--Dubai has launched a blueprint for Artificial Intelligence (AI), a yearly plan that will focus on harnessing the technology’s potential to improve quality of life around the world.

Dubai launches global blueprint for artificial intelligence (Graphic: AETOSWire) The plan begins with the appointment of a CEO for AI in each government entity, and will be followed by the establishment of an AI and WEB3 Incubator, which will develop into the largest global hub for AI and technology companies. The hub will attract innovators, startups and AI leaders from around the world and support of development of their ideas into successful enterprises or real-world applications.

The plan also includes the introduction of AI Week into schools and colleges to help integrate AI applications into the educational system. This will enable students to develop skills that align with future market needs such as coding, and introduce them to the latest tools and best practices in this field.

The blueprint will see the launch of the Dubai Commercial License for Artificial Intelligence, which will support the development of the sector by attracting specialized companies and individuals to Dubai, stimulate investments, and solidify Dubai’s position as a preferred business destination for technology and innovation companies. As part of the plan, land will be allocated for data centers, which will contribute to the development of world-class infrastructure that can support Dubai’s digital transformation journey.

His Highness Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President, Prime Minister and Ruler of Dubai, said: “In 1999, we launched Dubai’s digital transformation, a venture that has continued to achieve milestones leading to the recent unveiling of the Dubai Digital Strategy last year. Our record-breaking accomplishments have established us as the premier hub for billion-dollar global enterprises in the technology and artificial intelligence sectors within the region.”

His Highness added, “In recent years, the evolution of artificial intelligence has accelerated, presenting numerous opportunities for nations and governments adept at utilizing it, while posing challenges for those unable to keep pace. This required swift and adaptive action plans responsive to the rapid changes in technology and artificial intelligence.”

Dubai’s annual plan for accelerating the adoption of AI and implementations across all sectors is a major component of Dubai’s ambition to become the best city in the world for technology utilization and the fastest to adopt advanced applications.

*Source: AETOSWire

View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20240430433819/en/

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