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LTIMindtree Introduces Composable Storefront Solution on Salesforce to Quick-Launch Digital Commerce Experiences

· 등록일 Apr. 11, 2024 14:00

· 업데이트일 2024-04-12 00:00:32

WARREN, N.J. & MUMBAI, INDIA--(Business Wire / Korea Newswire)--LTIMindtree [NSE: LTIM, BSE: 540005], a global technology consulting and digital solutions company, announced Composable Storefront Quick Launch, a cohesive solution for composable storefront, to enable retailers to translate their expectations into elevated customer experiences with e-commerce components that suit their demands. This solution is built on Salesforce Commerce Cloud.

LTIMindtree’s composable storefront solution allows for retailers to create customized shopping experiences to increase business growth, with its over 20 best-in-class UI enhancements and features to kickstart B2C commerce experience in addition to leveraging all out-of-box capabilities including Salesforce Einstein, personalization, campaign management, and Wishlist. The solution also helps speed up the go-to-market timeline of the storefront with built-in custom features like enhanced UX, Dynamic Marketing Pages leveraging Page Designer capability, Store Locator with Google Maps, and Order History.

“The fast-paced nature of the e-commerce and retail industry stipulates staying ahead of the constantly evolving technology landscape. With LTIMindtree’s Composable Storefront quick launch solution, businesses can reduce their go-to-market time allowing for strategic maneuvers to achieve business success. This will elevate customer experiences, enhance business growth, and provide the flexibility to implement selling across channels and geographies,” said Nachiket Deshpande, Whole-Time Director & Chief Operating Officer, LTIMindtree.

“Brands that leverage innovative technologies to enhance their customer experience can increase customer loyalty and business success. LTIMindtree’s Composable Storefront quick launch solution on Salesforce, will provide a rapid kickstart to any e-commerce venture looking to build a strong commerce business foundation,” said Michael Affronti, SVP & General Manager, Commerce Cloud - Salesforce.

Conventional e-commerce solutions are indivisible, standardized software blocks that are slow to update and difficult to customize, often referred to as legacy or monolithic platforms. Because of this innate lack of adaptability and agility, businesses find it difficult to innovate and even to attract and retain personnel. Furthermore, running monolithic infrastructures now comes with prohibitive costs because of extra fees for integrations, upgrades, etc.

Transitioning from a rigid strategy to one that allows for maximum adaptability in their technology stacks will enable businesses to prepare for future goal oriented and economic actions. Adopting a staggered migration to LTIMindtree’s Composable storefront will further reduce the OpEx for the transition, and provide customizable customer experiences, reduced bounce rate, etc. LTIMindtree’s Composable storefront also allows the businesses to offer B2C buyers a personalized experience where they can discover and purchase products easily and when convenient. It will also assist in selling across channels and various geographies.

To know more about LTIMindtree Composable Storefront Quick Launch, click here.

Salesforce, Commerce Cloud, Einstein and others are among the trademarks of Salesforce, inc.

About LTIMindtree

LTIMindtree is a global technology consulting and digital solutions company that enables enterprises across industries to reimagine business models, accelerate innovation, and maximize growth by harnessing digital technologies. As a digital transformation partner to more than 700 clients, LTIMindtree brings extensive domain and technology expertise to help drive superior competitive differentiation, customer experiences, and business outcomes in a converging world. Powered by 82000+ talented and entrepreneurial professionals across more than 30 countries, LTIMindtree — a Larsen & Toubro Group company — combines the industry-acclaimed strengths of erstwhile Larsen and Toubro Infotech and Mindtree in solving the most complex business challenges and delivering transformation at scale. For more information, please visit https://www.ltimindtree.com/.

View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20240408734127/en/

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