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EIG’s MidOcean Energy Completes Acquisition of Tokyo Gas’ Interests in Portfolio of Australian Integrated LNG Projects

· 등록일 Mar. 29, 2024 11:35

· 업데이트일 2024-03-30 00:33:48

WASHINGTON--(Business Wire / Korea Newswire)--MidOcean Energy (“MidOcean”), a liquefied natural gas (LNG) company formed and managed by EIG, a leading institutional investor in the global energy and infrastructure sectors, today announced the completion of its previously announced agreement to acquire Tokyo Gas Co., Ltd’s (“Tokyo Gas”) interests in a portfolio of Australian integrated LNG projects.

The acquisition includes Tokyo Gas’ interests in the Gorgon LNG, Pluto LNG and Queensland Curtis LNG projects. The portfolio benefits from experienced operators, including Chevron, Woodside and Shell, and spans the LNG value chain from upstream operations to midstream, liquefaction and sales. As part of the transaction, MidOcean will open an office in Perth, Australia, to support and oversee the projects.

R. Blair Thomas, EIG’s Chairman and CEO said, “We are strong believers in the role of LNG as a key enabler of the energy transition and have formed MidOcean to provide partners and investors differentiated exposure to the asset class. With these foundational assets, MidOcean has entered key projects and markets in Asia, which form the center of gravity of the global LNG business. De la Rey and team have an ambitious growth strategy that is expected to build on this foundation and expand geographically. Our focus on integrated projects is central to the strategy and affords MidOcean the opportunity to capture value across the full LNG value chain.”

“The acquisition of these high quality, cash flowing LNG projects is a significant milestone in MidOcean’s strategy to build a diversified, global ‘pure play’ integrated LNG company that supports the world’s transition to a low-carbon future,” said De la Rey Venter, MidOcean’s CEO. “This transaction accelerates our ambition to be a leading player in the global LNG sector for decades to come, and we look forward to servicing key LNG customers in Japan, Asia and across the globe.”

Barrenjoey, Barclays and JP Morgan acted as financial advisors to EIG and MidOcean in connection with the transaction. White & Case acted as legal advisor to EIG and MidOcean.

About EIG

EIG is a leading institutional investor in the global energy and infrastructure sectors with $22.9 billion under management as of December 31, 2023. EIG specializes in private investments in energy and energy-related infrastructure on a global basis. During its 41-year history, EIG has committed over $47.1 billion to the energy sector through over 405 projects or companies in 42 countries on six continents. EIG’s clients include many of the leading pension plans, insurance companies, endowments, foundations and sovereign wealth funds in the U.S., Asia and Europe. EIG is headquartered in Washington, D.C. with offices in Houston, London, Sydney, Rio de Janeiro, Hong Kong and Seoul.

About MidOcean Energy

MidOcean Energy, an LNG company formed and managed by EIG, seeks to build a diversified, resilient, cost and carbon competitive global LNG portfolio. It reflects EIG’s belief in LNG as a critical enabler of the energy transition and the growing importance of LNG as a geopolitically strategic energy resource. MidOcean Energy is headed by De la Rey Venter, a 26-year industry veteran who has held a variety of senior executive roles, including Global Head of LNG for Shell Plc.

For additional information, please visit EIG’s website at www.eigpartners.com or MidOcean Energy’s website at www.midoceanenergy.com.

View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20240327246932/en/

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FGS Global
Kelly Kimberly / Brandon Messina
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