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Cielo Debuts First Generative AI for Talent Acquisition: CLO.ai

· 등록일 Mar. 20, 2024 14:40

· 업데이트일 2024-03-21 00:14:33

BROOKFIELD, WIS.--(Business Wire / Korea Newswire)--Cielo, the world’s leading Talent Acquisition Partner, today debuts the first generative AI (GenAI) for talent acquisition: CLO.ai. Based on a new set of industry principles for responsible AI use, the intelligent tool allows talent leaders to maximize the power of GenAI for better hiring outcomes fast, while protecting candidates' experiences.

Cielo debuts first generative AI for talent acquisition: CLO.ai “In a competitive, noisy market with many emerging, and sometimes unproven, methodologies and technologies, Cielo has established a responsible approach to artificial intelligence in human resources & talent acquisition. At Cielo, their data scientists, engineers, and talent acquisition experts collaborate to improve GenAI models, assess data for relevancy and accuracy, and operate in a secure environment, thus contributing to an enhanced experience for their clients and candidates. They are not only navigating the landscape but also handsomely contributing to its future development.”

Arkadev Basak, Partner at Everest Group

Since launching its Digital Accelerators™ suite last year, Cielo has worked closely with clients and its own experts to build and test AI solutions trained for TA. Cielo knows first-hand the challenges organizations face when adopting GenAI, giving it an unmatched understanding of practical use cases and corporate requirements for risk management.

CLO.ai is rooted in five design principles that highlight vital considerations for clients and candidates when using AI in HR and talent acquisition:

1. Offer tangible outcomes
2. Prioritize user experience
3. Retain human expertise
4. Provide actionable insights
5. Facilitate inclusivity

“We've seen GenAI revolutionize how we engage with talent, allowing us to create personalized experiences at scale. This creates a more intuitive, tailored user experience and enables employers to identify top talent faster, accelerate time to fill, and reduce costs. This is a safe and secure ChatGPT just for talent strategy.”

Rick Rosario, Vice President - Client Services at Cielo

By using large language models and relevant data sets - including job ads and resumes - CLO.ai analyzes themes and gaps to swiftly move through the hiring process with precision. The tool and prompts are designed with input from Cielo’s ED&I experts to enhance the inclusive element and mitigate bias. It syncs to an organization’s tone of voice, matches DEI guidelines and other hiring policies, giving teams more time to engage and hire talent - all in a secure environment.

The future is now. Find out how CLO.ai streamlines the entire TA process and achieves your recruiting goals, faster.

About Cielo

Cielo is the world's leading Talent Acquisition Partner. We deliver a better talent experience for everyone through Talent Acquisition, Consulting, Search and Digital Accelerators™ solutions. With our fresh approach - we design and build comprehensive, proven services inspired by technology to find and keep the unique talent that elevates our clients above the competition. Learn more at cielotalent.com.

View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20240319387916/en/

Website: http://cielotalent.com View Korean version of this release Contact Cielo
Catherine Walker
[email protected]
This news is a press release provided by Cielo. Korea Newswire follows these editorial guidelines. Cielo News ReleasesSubscribeRSS 씨엘로, 인재 영입을 위한 최초의 생성형 AI인 CLO.ai 출시 세계 최고의 인재 영입 파트너 (Talent Acquisition Partner)인 씨엘로(Cielo)가 인재 영입을 위한 최초의 생성형 AI(GenAI): CLO.ai 를 오늘 출시했다. 책임감 있는 AI 사용을 위한 새로운 업계 원칙을 기반으로 하는 이 지능형 도구는 인사 책임자가 지원자의 경험을 보호하면서 GenAI의 성능을 극대화하여 ... 3월 20일 14:40 Global Talent Solutions Leader Pinstripe & Ochre House Officially Becomes Cielo, Unveiling New Brand Identity Pinstripe & Ochre House, the world’s leading global talent acquisition and management partner, today unveiled its new brand identity and name, Cielo. The rebranding reflects the successful integration of U.S.-based Pinstripe, Inc. and UK-based Ochre House, which joined forces in July 20... 2014년 5월 13일 17:40 ... More  More News Technology Software Artificial Intelligence New Product Overseas Cielo All News Releases 
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