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Galderma Takes the ‘Face of Cetaphil®’ to the Runway at New York Fashion Week

· 등록일 Feb. 08, 2024 15:32

· 업데이트일 2024-02-14 12:57:31

ZUG, SWITZERLAND--(Business Wire / Korea Newswire)--Cetaphil®, a leading dermatologist-recommended sensitive skincare brand, is launching a first-of-its-kind global skincare immersion. This immersion will put the sensitive skin science behind its formulas to the ‘ultimate skin stress test’ at New York Fashion Week (NYFW).

As an extension of the brand’s ‘We Do Skin, You Do You’ campaign, Cetaphil’s NYFW activation will enlist influencers and consumers from 14 different countries to be the ‘Face of Cetaphil.’ They will have entered a global contest to win a trip to New York City, where they will act as on-the-ground correspondents alongside other influencers. The delegates will participate in 48 hours of Fashion Week events and activations putting Cetaphil’s sensitive skincare formulas to the test.

“In 2022, we debuted the global ‘We Do Skin. You Do You’ campaign to help empower those with sensitive skin to do more of the things they love - without hesitation. This year, with the ‘Face of Cetaphil,’ we are bringing the campaign to life by tapping into a cultural moment that is very relevant to our consumers. New York Fashion Week is the perfect place to put the brand at the forefront of where fashion, beauty and skincare intersect.”

The initiative includes partnerships with contemporary fashion brand Alice + Olivia, modeling and talent agency Wilhelmina International Inc. and global fashion and media brand, Highsnobiety. The competition winners will be joined by sensitive skin expert Dr. Lindsey Zubritsky, board-certified dermatologist at Premier Dermatology and Skin Cancer Center in Ocean Springs, Mississippi, U.S.

“Some cosmetics are a main trigger of sensitive skin, due to the inclusion of potentially irritating ingredients and regular usage. Similarly for clothing, when fabrics interact with skin that has an interrupted skin barrier, products can lead to irritated skin or skin conditions such as contact dermatitis. Scientific research is foundational to everything Cetaphil does, and research has shown that sensitive skin needs extra care. Cetaphil products can help restore and rebuild the skin moisture barrier, helping to reduce skin aggravation. This ultimately helps people feel comfortable in their own skin - and in their beauty and fashion looks.”

As Alice + Olivia’s exclusive skincare sponsor, Cetaphil will have a strong presence backstage at one of Fashion Week’s hottest shows. The partnership will include a ‘skincare prep’ area where models will have the opportunity to meet with a Cetaphil skin expert and have their skin prepped using Cetaphil products. These include the Gentle Skin Cleanser, Healthy Renew Face Serum and Moisturizing Lotion, which ensure a hydrated canvas for makeup and clothing application.

“Over many NYFW seasons, I’ve learned how important a great skincare routine is to make up for the long hours and lack of sleep that go into making our beautiful shows a reality. We’re so excited to partner with Cetaphil this season as our skincare sponsor. Glowing skin is the ultimate accessory, and their products work magic to protect and hydrate.”

Through Cetaphil’s partnership with Wilhelmina Modeling Agency, attendees will also get exclusive access to a group of models who are walking in NYFW shows. These experiential, behind-the-scenes moments will give them an insider’s look at Fashion Week, seeing how it impacts skin, through the eyes of a model.

A Cetaphil x Highsnobiety pop-up will take place on Saturday, February 10 from 11:00 AM to 6:00 PM. The space will serve as a fashion-forward sensitive skin sanctuary where New Yorkers can relax and refuel amidst the hustle and bustle of Fashion Week. The pop-up will be completed with skin consultations, beauty services, custom hydrating beverages and more.

To follow the Face of Cetaphil throughout NYFW, check out your country’s Cetaphil handles on Instagram and TikTok. The brand will be sharing content across its channels.

About Cetaphil

Seventy-five years ago, a leading pharmacist created the first Cetaphil product - a gentle, yet powerful formula to clean without stripping and moisturize without clogging. Today, Cetaphil is dermatologist-recommended for sensitive skin and recognized around the world. With the help of leading skincare experts, Cetaphil continues to develop innovative skincare technologies for sensitive skin that help restore, protect and maintain skin’s health every day. For more information, visit www.cetaphil.com.

About Galderma

Galderma is the emerging pure-play dermatology category leader, present in approximately 90 countries. We deliver an innovative, science-based portfolio of premium flagship brands and services that span the full spectrum of the fast-growing dermatology market though Injectable Aesthetics, Dermatological Skincare and Therapeutic Dermatology. Since our foundation in 1981, we have dedicated our focus and passion to the human body’s largest organ - the skin - meeting individual consumer and patient needs with superior outcomes in partnership with healthcare professionals. Because we understand that the skin we are in shapes our lives, we are advancing dermatology for every skin story. For more information: www.galderma.com.

View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20240207631228/en/

Website: http://www.galderma.com Contact Galderma
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Chief Communications Officer
+41 76 315 26 50
[email protected]

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Corporate Communications Director
+41 79 529 59 85
[email protected]

Emil Ivanov
Head of Strategy, Investor Relations, and ESG
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