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QPS Significantly Enhances Mass Spectrometry Laboratory Capacity

· 등록일 Jan. 12, 2024 10:20

· 업데이트일 2024-01-12 11:42:07

NEWARK, DEL.--(Business Wire / Korea Newswire)--QPS Holdings, LLC (QPS), a global contract research organization (CRO) that provides discovery, preclinical, bioanalysis, clinical trials, and clinical research services, is rapidly expanding its mass spectrometry capacity, adding 13 LC-MS machines in just 15 months at their laboratories in Newark, Delaware (USA) and Groningen, The Netherlands (NL).

Zamas Lam, PhD, Global Head of Bioanalytical (Mass Spec) & Preclinical Development, QPS LLC. (Photo: Business Wire) This expansion includes the impressive growth seen in 2023, when QPS installed seven additional UPLC-(HR)MS/MS tandem instruments - four triple quadrupoles, one QTRAP, and two quadrupole time-of-flight high-resolution mass spectrometers (HRMS). The addition of the two new UPLC-HRMS/MS machines, one in the Netherlands and one in the USA, brings QPS to a total of five UPLC-HRMS/MS dedicated to GLP/GCP quantitation of oligonucleotide therapeutics and oligonucleotide metabolite identification to support the explosive growth of this drug modality in both the USA and Europe. Having HRMS capabilities on both continents eliminates the challenges of obtaining CITES permits to ship critical oligonucleotide therapeutics samples from the USA to Europe and vice versa.

Continuing into 1Q 2024, QPS announces the expansion of its USA LC-MS fleet with the addition of six triple quadrupoles coupled to ultra-high performance liquid chromatography (UPLC) or supercritical fluid chromatography (SFC). The addition of SFC-MS/MS brings a new dimension to the QPS chiral separation capabilities, which are critical in supporting clients to develop leading-edge new therapies to address critical global healthcare needs.

“QPS is dedicated to excellence in bioanalysis and DMPK laboratory work. Our clients recognize our commitment and continue to expand their relationships with us. QPS Subject Matter Experts are some of the best in the industry and this new equipment will provide the capacity for them to expand their relationships with our important biotech and pharmaceutical clients,” said Zamas Lam, PhD, Global Head of Bioanalytical (Mass Spec) & Preclinical Development, QPS LLC. “This is what drives our enthusiasm,” said Lam.

With this additional capacity, the QPS Global Bioanalytical and DMPK laboratories in the USA and the Netherlands can support current and new biotech and pharmaceutical clients in drug discovery and development of gene therapies and protein drugs. This group’s expertise lies in the quantitation of oligonucleotides, peptides, intact proteins, and highly hydrophilic low-molecular-weight metabolite biomarkers by UPLC-HRMS, or by immunoaffinity UPLC-MS/MS, or by hybridization-LC-fluorescence.


QPS is a GLP/GCP-compliant full-service CRO delivering the highest grade of discovery, preclinical, and clinical drug development services. Since 1995, it has rapidly expanded from a bioanalysis shop to a full-service CRO with 1,200+ employees in the US, Europe, India, and Asia. Today, QPS offers expanded pharmaceutical contract R&D services with special expertise in Toxicology, Pharmacology, DMPK, Bioanalysis, Translational Medicine, Clinical Trials, and Clinical Research Services. QPS has CLIA-certified and GLP-compliant laboratories ready to fast-track Gene Therapy, RT-qPCR/QPCR, serological assays, and vaccine development programs. An award-winning leader focused on bioanalysis and clinical trials, QPS is known for proven quality standards, technical expertise, a flexible approach to research, client satisfaction, turnkey laboratories, and Phase I clinical facilities. QPS stands tall in its commitment to delivering superior quality, skilled performance, and trusted service to its valued customers. For more information, visit www.qps.com or email [email protected].

View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20240110198636/en/

Website: https://www.qps.com/ View Korean version of this release Contact QPS Holdings, LLC
Gabrielle Pastore
[email protected]
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