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1NCE Upgrades IoT Software Platform with Plugins

· 등록일 Jan. 11, 2024 15:17

· 업데이트일 2024-01-15 10:02:49

LAS VEGAS--(Business Wire / Korea Newswire)--1NCE, a company offering a software platform for connected products, today announced 1NCE Plugins, upgrading the platform with software from the IoT industry’s best developers. The announcement was made during the company’s presentation at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas.

(Graphic: Business Wire) 1NCE’s software platform supports IoT projects of any scale by enabling customers to securely and reliably collect device data across 165 countries and turn it into actionable intelligence. With 1NCE, customers can accelerate time-to-market for IoT projects by months, determine device location without GPS, and optimize payload transmission to increase battery life by up to 70 percent.

The company has entered the next stage of its software strategy with Plugins, opening access for third-party software developers to create IoT tools together on the 1NCE platform. Customers now have extensive options to smoothly integrate features from their preferred and market-leading software developers, including:

· Firmware Over-the-Air Management (FOTA): 1NCE customers can utilize best-in-class firmware upgrade management, keeping connected devices secure and healthy over their lifetime. FOTA is used for releasing new functionality, fixing bugs, and regular maintenance. In partnership with Mender, the new update infrastructure minimizes the risk of bricking from issues with limited bandwidth, unstable connectivity or power loss. This includes optimization using delta updates to reduce bandwidth usage by 90 percent.

· Data Visualization: In partnership with Datacake, 1NCE customers have access to dashboards that allow device data to be visualized for enhanced planning, prototyping and deployment. The low-code dashboards are optimized for mobile viewing and can be accessed through the 1NCE platform within minutes of setup, enabling an initial project launch much faster than the competition.

· Integration with Azure and Other Cloud Providers: In addition to 1NCE’s existing partnership with AWS, customers can now seamlessly integrate their IoT data with Microsoft Azure and other leading cloud service providers. The IoT Bridge from Tartabit delivers a reliable and scalable process for transferring data from resource-constrained, battery-powered devices to the cloud.

“1NCE believes open platforms are the way of the future for managing connected products over their lifetime,” said Ivo Rook, Chief Operating Officer at 1NCE. “Plugins are just the start, as we intend on solidifying 1NCE as a global standard for IoT over the course of 2024.”

1NCE was founded in 2018 to enable IoT to flow like electricity -- always on, always ready for consumption, always serving the public with an invaluable resource for the future. The 1NCE Lifetime Flat license is disruptive but simple: customers can deploy, connect, and manage IoT sensors across the world for as little as a dollar per year per device. More than 15,000 customers worldwide and 60+ Fortune 500 companies have already trusted 1NCE with more than 20 million connected products across 165 countries and regions.

Also at CES 2024, Rook is scheduled to participate in the Consumer Technology Association’s panel -- “The Future of Software-Defined Vehicles” -- on January 10th at 11:00am in W219 of the Las Vegas Convention Center. The panel description: “From infotainment to safety, the in-vehicle experience continues to evolve. Learn about the latest trends in software-defined vehicles and how data personalizes the driving experience.”

Customers can get started with 1NCE at the online shop with customer support available in 25 languages.

About 1NCE

1NCE is a software platform for connected products that delivers future-proof, hassle-free IoT in 165 countries and regions. Learn more online and follow 1NCE on Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook.

View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20240110191019/en/

Website: https://www.1nce.com/ Contact 1NCE
Brad Chase
[email protected]
This news is a press release from the provider.
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